Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

I play with Y/N's hair as she watches TV and traces shapes on my arm that was wrapped around her waist.

"Lolo?"She says and I hum."I want to take a shower can you please come and help me?And I umm..well nevermind"She says and I carress her cheek with the hand that was playing with her hair.

"What baby?You can tell me."She sighs and I frown.

"Well I am kind of scared of taking the shower alone because when I-Uhm when I was with him he used to come in there and do bad things to me..I know it's stupid because he is gone now but I'm still afraid that somehow he is gonna do something to me in there too." I feel tears gathering up in my eyes but I quickly push them back and kiss the top of her head.

"I'm here with you now baby and no one will hurt you ever again.Camz and me will always protect you.And thank you for sharing that with me, I can't even imagine how hard it is for you to talk about it."I say and she sniffles."Don't cry baby."She turns around slowly wincing in pain a bit and I wipe her tears.She leans in kissing me carefully so she doesn't mess up her lip stitches.We get up and I gather clean clothes for us to wear after the shower and I put them down in the bathroom.I get out the waterproof cast cover we got for her and I put it down then walk over to Y/N helping her get out of her clothes."Are you okay with this?" I ask and she nods.I take off my clothes too and then help her put the cast cover on and we get in the shower.I look at her body which was so covered in bruises and cuts ,which were desperately trying to heal ,that you couldn't see barely one part of her body which wasn't covered in them.I sigh and wash her hair gently.As I finish shampooing up her hair and washing her body I quickly do the same for myself and then she puts her hands on my waist and leans her head on my chest.I wrap my hands around her and let the warm water embrace us.

"Why are you taking secret phone calls lately?"Y/N asks looking up at me.

"Well I wasn't gonna tell you or Camila until I got it done fully but I'm close to finishing it up so might as well tell you.I am working with my management to get you guys in our record label so you don't have to deal with your management anymore."I say and Y/N gasps.

"R-really?"She asks and I nod smiling."Oh my God!Maybe everything will actually be better from now on.Thank you so much Lolo.I can't even explain to you how much I love you."She says and I carres her cheek smiling widely.This is the happiest I've seen her in a while.

"I love you too baby girl."I say and she kisses me.Soon after we get out of the shower I help her dry off and get into some comfy clothes before doing the same for myself.As I was finishing up drying her hair Camiila walks into the room and both Y/N and me smile seeing her.She first pecks Y/Ns lips then mine and then sits next to us on the sofa.

"You two took a shower?"Camila asks and I nod snuggling up to Camila.

"Yea I was too scared to take it on my own"I say and Camila sighs kissing my forehead.

"You're safe now baby."She says and Lauren gets up.

"Did you get the stuff I asked for?"Lauren asks and Camila nods.

"It's in the kitchen."She says and I raise my eyebrows.

"What did you get?"

"Well we thought that we could have a marvel marathon tonight to cheer you up.So we got a bunch of popcorn,all of our favorite snacks and we got plenty of sodas and juices to last us trough the marathon."She says and I hug her tightly even though it hurt.

"I love you so much"I say and she kisses the top of my head.

"It's the least we can do baby and I love you too."She says and I kiss her.Camila goes upstairs to change into her pajamas and then comes downstairs.We all huddle up on the couch and start of the marathon.Life is looking up.

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