Origin of the Blood god: Blood of the Blood god

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Warning of Blood and Trauma.

Technoblade held out a hand to Phil. There was something about the boar, perhaps its size, perhaps its color, that suddenly made the purpose of this task very clear to him. Phil had recently told him he had to accept the madness that was part of him. Technoblade had always associated boars with the more savage and vicious part of his nature. And now, here he was confronting a boar unlike any other he'd ever seen or heard of; one that was, if all went well, supposed to help him turn into something that more clearly showed who he was inside. He got a clearer idea what "accepting" might mean.

"Phil?" He said quietly. "I need you to promise me something." He turned and put both hands on Philza's shoulders. "I need you to promise you'll stay here. Right here, okay? Even if that thing knocks me down, even if you think everything's up and you wanna get me outta there, you can't. Okay?"

Philza glanced over Technoblade's shoulder at the boar, then back at the young, determined face before him. "Are you sure?"

"Please." Technoblade rarely said that word. He knew Phil would understand the significance.

For a long moment, Phil studied Technoblade's face. Slowly he reached up and rested one hand on his friend's neck, rubbing his jaw with his thumb. A little uncertain, Technoblade let him do it, wondering what was going on. "Alright." Phil nodded, and let his hand drop. "I wish you all the success."

Technoblade nodded. He lowered his hands and was about to step away when Philza came forward and, before Technoblade could do more than look confused, pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. "I'll see you in a little while."

Technoblade grunted uncomfortably and rubbed the skin Philza had touched. "What the heck, Phil?"

His friend smiled sadly. "In a few minutes, you'll either be changed irrevocably or you'll be dead. Either way, I've just said my goodbye."

The words brought a grim reality to the whole situation that made Technoblade stare at the ground. He blew out a breath and met the eyes of his friend bluntly. "Goodbye, Philza. I'll see you on the other side." He turned quickly away and walked towards the boar, which noticed him the moment he entered the clearing.

That boar represented all the wild and unpredictable parts of Technoblade's nature and personality. If this was going to work, he couldn't fight it. But neither could he just give in and let it run him down. Technoblade was given precious little time to think, however, for as soon as he'd settled in his mind what this trial was about, the boar turned to face him. It squealed and started forward, rushing at him at a sudden, quick pace. All the Voices in Technoblade's head started laughing and screaming and crying and shouting at once, each with their own opinion on what to do now, and it was all Technoblade could do to dodge the boar's charge in time, he was so distracted.

The boar ploughed to a stop, turned, and charged again. This time Technoblade wasn't quick enough, and the left tusk of the animal slashed his leg. Blood spilled from the wound as Technoblade fell to the ground, crying out for the pain burned straight through him. He twisted to face the boar again, wincing and panting already. Adrenaline shot through his veins, numbing some of his body, but it wasn't enough to help him stand again. Technoblade couldn't dodge now, so when the boar charged again he tried to roll away.

A thought dashed through his mind as he only just succeeded. Whatever had happened to "accepting" the boar? Was he supposed to let it hit him? Or was this an endurance game where the one who tired first lost? He already knew who would win that one. Technoblade got to his knees, holding tight to his injured leg. The boar ran at him again, squealing and roaring loudly. Technoblade didn't try dodging this time, but held out his hands to the ferocious and, in his eyes, enthralling creature.

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