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"Now tell me hanma why are you here?" M/n said after pass the beer to him,

"well...don't u miss me M/n-san~♡"

M/n then quickly smack the guy back neck, make the guy choke on his beer,

"Cough Cough ,M/n san-Cough"

You then pat his back and roll your eyes, "Ugh,this kid" you muttered

You grab the napkin at the counter and throw it at hanma , "Use that wipe your mouth and tell me why are you here" you said cleaning the counter table,

"Just because, i want to see your face, nothing more" hanma said as he continues to drink his beer,

M/n look at him confused before chuckled and sighing leaving a small smile plastered on his face

"What are you? a kid that looked like a grown ass adult?" You said laughing

Hanma look at you before chuckle and stare at his beer "maybe" he whispers in soft tone,

After a few small talk, hanma finally leave your cafe ,

you then changed your working clothes to your usual clothing, grabbing the store key and lock the cafe entrance,

you look at your watch, "12:11 am"
"Haha....closing the cafe this late huh?" You whisper to yourself before chuckle and start walking leave the cafe ,

you walking down the streets, its not that dark ,considering there street lamp and its late what kind of people will be awake and walking at the middle of night, you rented a small house in those neighborhoods, just enough for two people but you live alone after leave Hanagaki household exactly when you graduated from school ,

Its truly a peaceful night, there no sounds of people talking its just completely silent,

You're in front of your door home as you looked at your watch again "12:58" , when you're about to open the door someone tapping your shoulder from back "M/n" Its a man voice, you then glance at him, he wearing a hoodie that covered up his face , you tilting your head while raising your eyebrows "Is he one of my neighbors ??your thoughts, before he smirk and opened his hood "Oh" your eyes widened ,the guy you haven't seen for years after Shinichiro died is in front of you "Its been a while M/n" he said chuckled, you who is still confused opening the door , "It's been a while wakasa....come in, let's talk in side" you give him the customer service kind of smile

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