Chapter 21

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Wakasa then get in to your house
"Excuse me" he said softly, you put your things on the table and go straight to kitchen,"Just sit anywhere you want" you said loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for your neighbour to hear, he hummed in response , As you done stirred the coffee/tea for him , you then gave him the coffee while you drinking yours ,

you take a sip, and offer him to drink,

"So...why are you here?, its been a while since I've ever since you"  you said softly blowing your hot drink,

"yeah..." he chuckle as he softly smile

You look at him, wandering why is he behaving like that,

"You know what, you don't need to answer that" you tell him with a smile

"Instead" you put your cup down and reach for his hand,

'Its cold' you eyebrow twitch by how cold his hand actually is,

'did he wait long outside?'

Wakasa eyes widened,

He looks at you without muttering an word, the room is quite and warm, you seem to be too focused on your thoughts,

"Umm...M/n??"  Wakasa said awkwardly

"Oh...oh yeah..sorry"  you say as you awkwardly pull back your hand

You glances at him and you see he seems to have a small smile plastered on his face,

'pretty just like the past'

" A-anyway, wakasa ...what are you up to this day? I mean its has been really long ,you might also been a rich man now for sure" you chuckle at your own word and give him a genuine smile,

Wakasa chuckled at your word and let out a sigh "I don't do much" he said softly while staring at his chocolate drink and holding it tightly

"Well damn..too bad"  you stand up Infront of him and give him a sudden big hug,

" look depressed, wish you can make much more after this" you said while patting softly at his back

Its clearly obvious that M/n thought wakasa is poor, but for some reason wakasa seems like he doesn't mind it and hug you back,

"Thank you" he said buried his face in the hug




I forgot the plot...sorry guys i know its been a while, well damn its like 1 year has passed even TR manga has ended ,

Actually my grandma suddenly had a stroke and an Alzheimer...i even got a step grandma's now ...its crazy

I must apologize for the long absent actually i even got a new phone , the old one was lost in the sea idk where its going but i know for sure its dead,

And sorry for the broken writing, I'm pretty bad at writing ngl ,

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