Vol II: The Purge

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Central Früstia Continent

Ruby Capital Castle

In Frost's Quarters...


I look back at my guards, their crossbows aimed at my head. "To what do I owe the honor? I have given us near infinite prosperity. What is there to-"

"You will die like the traitor you are! Imperial scum." one of them shouted with venom.

"Toppling your own country. Now tell me, which is more imperial, my slowly-emerging welfare state, or you toppling a government just because we are losing due to an unseen threat?" I quickly noted back to them, hiding my smirk behind an emotionless face.

"Well, your quote unquote 'welfare state' was born out of blood while we sat here powerless! You ordered that, therefore you must go!" the leader of the group shouted back.

"And killing me wouldn't birth your new one out of blood?"

"Blood of the guilty is a different story here-" the leader tried to refute my claim to which I interrupt.

"Blood is blood. It doesn't matter whether the spilt blood was of an innocent family or a meglomaniac. Yes, one's is more worthy to take, but you are still the one to accept that violence was the answer." I said, slowly walking over to the pot of tea I had in the corner. "Come, sit, let's discuss reforms I should do to solve this matter with no violence."


"So, you are saying that I took too much action, despite my system being an empire without the people's consent?" I asked quizzically one of the soldiers at the back who seemingly had experience in politics. "Say, soldier, what family is your lineage?"

"I am the middle son of the Alstor Family, sir."

"Ah! The Alstors! Say, they used to aid a previous ruler if I am correct?" I know that family! They used to be some of the wisest of the Empire. I could use them on my side. Good thing I sent Shade off; him gaining allies will be great for a future alliance.

"They aided the previous emperor three generations ago, aiding the fully occupying our central island."

"That's right! Say, since you have seemingly studied politics, how about I continue the conversation with you on what reforms I should make so my head is not removed this night?"

"That would be a wise decision to take, captain." the Alstor soldier told his Commander.

The Commander then took a long, deep sigh. "Fine! Vodos! You discuss the terms we have with him!"

"Yes, Commander." now named Vodos Alstor said as he took the seat across from me. His eyes were black in color and he was very pale, seemingly due to long hours in his Family Study. "Now the terms we have may seem random at first, so if I may I would like to list them all out at once for you to respond on."

"Yes, Vodos, go right ahead!" I said, waiting for whatever they try to throw me with.

"So, firstly, we would like to introduce a senate voted upon by nobles to begin it and then allow all people come the next election cycle-" I then decided to interrupt.

"Granted. I know what this means, but I was going to introduce this later on anyways."

The soldiers looked at me, surprised, as Vodos calmed himself down and continued. "Secondly, we want you to give all occupied regions in your conquests of Mantizea and the lower islands autonomy."

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