Chapter 8

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***Chapter 8***


Time sure flies fast.

I had been spending time with Anthony for a few weeks already. And I had so many wonderful moments with him.

I would never forget those times...


We were at the local Sacramento shopping mall last week with me hanging close to Anthony as we strolled briskly down rows and rows of shops.

"You know, the only things I associate with shopping malls are movies and food. I never had interest in any sort of window-shopping," Anthony laughed and confided.

I laughed along. This is so cute! Perhaps we are going to watch a romantic movie and then eat a candlelight dinner together afterwards?

The occasional surprised shouts of "Whoa, you are that guy from smosh!" at Anthony from the shoppers does not disrupt the joyous moment I am having with him. Not even a bit.

Shopping with Anthony. Such pleasure, such thrill, such luxury.

A sparkling object at the corner of my eyes caught my attention. We were now walking past a jewellery retailer shop and displayed in the glass case there was an alluring, eye-captivating delicate wedding ring.

The ring was intricately carved out of interesting patterns and was so small and exquisite that its glaring sparkle created a huge contrast with its frame.

It was so beautiful that it's beauty was beyond words.

Oh yes, it is not it's but its. I had better check my language before the GRAMMAR POLICE seeks me out.

"That ring is amazingly, strikingly perfect!" I can't help but dash over to the ring and marvel all over it. If only Anthony would give me this when he propose to me...

"I know my girlfriend would love this." Anthony simply replied.

But now thinking back, did his words hold an even deeper meaning?

Imaginations flooded through me.

We were on a bridge, the beautiful breath-catching skyscrapers of the city in the background.

Anthony kneeled down onto one knee unexpectedly.

I gasped, taken aback.

He carefully took out a small box and with a movement as light as feather, he opened the lid.

I was enthralled.

It was the ring I had love so much. The one I happened to notice at the shopping center so long ago.

"Will you take my hand in marriage?" Anthony spoke in that voice I had became so accustomed to.


Tears has already fallen down my face before I knew it. Yes, Anthony Padilla is my lifelong partner. There is not denial.

I nodded, touched and in a daze.

A crisp, soothing wind caressed my hair then and the stars seemed to sparkle.

"Baby you look so beautiful with your hair over your face," Anthony commented gracefully as he gently slipped the ring onto my fourth finger.

A sob caught me. Anthony is like everything to me. And now we are so going to be officially husband and wife. We are going to be together forever.

"I love you, Anthony. Do you know how much I love you?" I cried out at him, my voice shaking.

"Yes I know..." Anthony got up.

"...Mrs Padilla." He ended as he kissed my hand.

Mrs Padilla. That struck through me and overwhelmed me. I am now Mrs Padilla. My dream had became reality...


"I want both that rainbow mint candy and that chocolate bar!" Strolling past a shop selling sweets, we spotted a boy in there wailing to his mother.

His mother shook her head.

"No, remember what you promised yourself? You can only have one choice. So choose one now."

The boy sighed.

"Both of them seemed tasty!" He cried.

In the end, though trapped between two choices, the boy still chose the chocolate bar at last.

And he seemed glad that he had chosen it as we watched him savour the chocolate bar while mumbling a satisfied "Yum!"

"Now that boy is like me," Anthony spoke out abruptly.

"In what way, Anthony?" Suspicions filled my head as I asked Anthony curiously at the implication behind his words.

Anthony managed a rushed type of laugh,"No, that was just a random statement. It's just...I would choose the chocolate bar. I, erm, like chocolates more."

At that time I had taken the surface meaning of his explanation after hearing that, but now I am really starting to wonder.

Am I the dull but sweet chocolate bar while other girls are the pretty but sour rainbow mint candy? And that Anthony is torn between choosing me or them, but in the end he had made up his mind to choose me...

Or am I thinking too much?

Is that really what he meant by that? Or am I reading between the lines too much?


I think I would rather let this become an eternal, sweet mystery which I would remember for a very very long time.

And oh, if only I could just fall in love with him...

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