Chapter 5

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It had been a week or two since his arrival, and currently, Lyle was sparring with Riku. Lyle had been having fun with him and Kairi in Radiant Garden, as well as going around a few worlds. Nothing big, just Agrabah, a bit of Neverland.. stuff like that. Though, he did feel a bit down about the fact that Sora had... apparently been killed by the leaders of the Organization, Marluxia and Larxene. It sucked, knowing that something like that had happened and he couldn't be there to save him. So, he made a promise: he was going to train as hard as he could, so he could be there whenever Sora needed protection. Throughout his time here, though, he hadn't heard much from his headmate, Whisper, in a while. Even though he could trust Whisper to handle himself, however, he couldn't help but worry.

Lyle brought his sword out of his holster and got into his stance, swinging it at his brother as he did.

"C'mon, RiRi!" He called out. "Hit me with everything you've got!"

Riku, on the other end of the main area of Radiant Garden, chuckled as he raised Way to the Dawn. "You asked for it, Ly!"

Riku ran at him with a confident cry, and soon reached him. Once he was close enough, though Lyle somersaulted up over him, and tossed his sword down at him. When it appeared to hit Riku, he called the sword back to his hand with a bit of summoning magic that Yuffie had taught him, then flipped in the air with his sword in both hands, yelling. Riku appeared to be expecting this, however, and whirled around, lifting his Keyblade, blocking the swing. When Lyle's eyes widened, Riku smirked, then threw him back with a simple upward slash.

Lyle was flung backward when it happened. He blanked. One moment, he was trying to think of a way to retaliate when he would eventually land, and then he was suddenly on the ground again, holding his sword firmly. He didn't question it at the moment, and ran at Riku.

His brother vanished from view, then reappeared in his shadow, trying to swing. Lyle blocked the attack, and then again and again when Riku kept warping into his shadow. This time, Riku lowered and readied himself to swing, aiming for Lyle's arm.

"Prince Lynn! Can you hear me?"

Lyle gasped, dropping his sword and grabbing his head. The sound of a flash and footsteps told him that Riku had dispelled his Keyblade, and Kairi was running over. But he wasn't worried about that. What he was actually worried about was that voice. It sounded familiar, and he couldn't take his mind off it as he grabbed his sword off the ground and put it back in his holster.

"Ly!" Kairi called out as she neared. She grabbed his shoulders, making him look up at her. "Are you alright?"

Lyle waved her hands away, then grumbled when Riku did the same. He backed away from the pair, nodding and crossing his arms, trying his best to ignore his headache. "Yes, I'm fine. Just- a small headache, is all."

"We can take a break, if you want." Riku suggested. "Could- I dunno- go get some ice cream, perhaps?"

"Oooh!" Kairi nodded her head vigorously as she spoke. "That sounds nice!"

Lyle couldn't help but smile at the two of them, and nodded as well. "Sure, that sounds nice." He giggled softly. "Lead the way!"


The three of them had gone to the nearby ice cream stand in town, and had bought some sea-salt ice cream. Lyle wasn't too familiar with the flavor, but it was good, so, he couldn't exactly complain. He didn't eat too much of it, though- He was still focused on that voice he had heard. Why was it so familiar? He knew it from somewhere- but where? He took a quick bite of his ice cream as he stared at the floor, his mind whirring like crazy. Come on, come on...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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