1: The Diner

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(3rd POV)

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(3rd POV)

???: "Forget it, it's too risky. I'm through doing that shit..."

In a diner, a man wearing a blue flannel shirt, blue jeans and yellow slick back hair lights a cigarette in his mouth, already finished with his meal. Sitting across from him is his girlfriend wearing a margarita dress shirt who calmly listens to his discussion about what to do now as they used to rob liquor stores across Los Angeles. Knowing he's just bluffing; she calls him out.

???: "You always say that. The same thing every time, "I'm done doing this", "I'm through", "Never again", "Too dangerous"." She stated.

???: "I know that's what I always say. I'm always right too." He remarked.

She lightly laughs at his stupidity.

???: "You forget about it in a day or two..." She said countering his remark.

???: "Well, the days of me forgetting are over and the days of me remembering have just begun..."

He presses his pointer finger at the clear metal tablet with a ketchup stain on his plate before taking his cigarette out and blowing a puff in the air.

???: "Y'know when you go like this, what you sound like?"

She has been with him for so long she can basically read him like a comic book, predictable and interesting.

???: "I sound like a sensible fuckin' man." He cockily declared.

???: "You sound like a duck, "Quack, Quack, Quack"." She started making duck noises which annoyed him deeply, but knew it wasn't worth the hassle since the last time that happened a station wagon blew up.

???: "Take heart, cause you're never gonna have to hear it again. Cause since I'm not gonna do it again, you're never gonna hear me quack again."

She enjoyed teasing him with her hearts content which wins him as always.

???: "After tonight?"

???: "Correct, I got all tonight to quack."

A waitress approaches the table and asked if anyone wanted a refill, to which the girlfriend lends her an empty cup of what used to be a full mug of caffeine. The waitress then refills the cup and gives it to her before she walks away, leaving the two be.

On the other side of the diner was rather quiet, too quiet even for a busy afternoon in L.A. In a booth sat a wolf wearing a clean padded white suit along with a snake wearing a Hawaiian themed button up shirt that fit his body, being slim and flexible, and a fisher hat. 


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