Chapter 2

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"I don't understand what is problem is, why cant he leave us alone?" I turn to Larry, my best friend. "Because he's insecure and we're hot." He smiles. "Totally."
"Hey, bitches!" My friend Ash exclaims.
"Ashley! What's up, dude?" I say.
"Not much, the vending machine is out of cola so that fucking sucks."
"Boohoo. Cola's gross." Says Larry.
The bell rings. "Shit. Math." I curse.
"Haha loser, you're next class is with lemon head!" I waved him off. For some reason I didn't like it when larry, or anyone else for that matter, made fun of his hair. I'm guessing it's because I've had to endure harsh ridicule about my own hair for years. I honestly think his hair isn't that bad looking.
"See you guys at lunch. Don't blow up your hand in chemistry again, Larry!" For context, a few weeks ago he fucked up the chemical formula on an experiment. I believe in his class they were doing some sort of small explosion type thing but his dumb ass put way too much of the main explosive chemical and burned the fuck out of his hand. It didn't cause too much damage but he's still in bandages. "Up yours, sallyface!" He responds. My back was turned to him but Im pretty positive he was flipping me off.

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