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Wait! No! I helped you. you need me!

Syntax took a sharp inhale and coughed harshly as he sat up in his bed. Stupid memories. That scene burned into his head. He remembered it exactly. That stupid girl appeared, made the spider bots work correctly, then the Spider Queen used it against him. The spider crawled down his back and under his lab coat. The bot stabbed into him, infecting him with venom, and sprouting larger machinal legs. He wore the bot now as the legs were retractable. But the venom the bot spread into him, transformed him into something he only sees by accident. His once human skin was painted purple and his coal-black hair furred into a poisonous toxic green. His tired brown eyes sinking into a similar toxic green.

He just wasn't him. He didn't look like him. The only thing that made him Syntax, was his name Syntax. He stretched his tired limbs and tossed his legs over the side of his bed. His feet covered by black socks hit the cold ground as he stood up. He lifted his body up and ran a hand through his tangled hair. He let out a harsh sigh and stepped into the bathroom

He looked up at where his mirror should be. He had covered it with paper. He couldn't bare see himself. He grabbed a brush and ran it over his green hair. The hair he hated now. He ripped out the leftover hair on his brush and threw it away. He groaned and brushed his teeth. He may be a spider demon now, but he was once human so that stuff still matters to him.

He turned on the sink and splashed his face with some water before he dried his face and hands. He looked at the paper covering his mirror. It's been a while since he actually looked into a mirror. He always catches his reflection in other things though. Looking into the black screen of his phone, reflecting. Creating something, reflection on the metal. He can even see himself on his monitors. It, annoyed the hell out of him. He wanted to just break everything when he saw himself.

Syntax left his room. He walked along the walls of the cave and looked around. He noticed Strong Spider speaking to Spindrax. " Good morning you two." Syntax greeted them. " Sup loser!" Spindrax greeted him like normal. " Morning Syntax!" Strong Spider smiled. Despite Strongs strong buff intimidating aura, he truly was just a sweet guy. Syntax lifted up his hand as a wave and walked past them into the kitchen.

The kitchen was bare. A simple fridge at Syntax stole and almost broke his back bringing. There were a few tables next to the fridge to act as counters. A coffee maker and microwave sat on one of the tables as the other table had a space open and a tabletop stove. Syntax groaned and looked through a box. He had organized all the boxes of food and other items so it was easy to find things. He got out a coffee mix and scooped it into the coffee maker.

He leaned against the counter, closing his eyes as he waited for his coffee to brew. He couldn't function right without it. He sighed as he heard clicking. Tapping almost. Like heels on tile. The heel was thicker though. Definitely not heels, shoes, formal but comfortable. It was a man's shoes, size 11 and a half. He opened his eyes and looked at the floor to the side where the clicking had stopped. He was exactly right. 

" Oh why, hello there." Syntax looked up to meet the cold, iris-less eyes. " What" Syntax said coldly, grabbing a mug that said game over. " Just greeting you. You're up quite early." " Everyone up early. We work." Syntax filled his mug with coffee. " Coffee?" " No, thank you." The Mayor rejected with a smile that never seemed to melt off his face. Syntax shrugged and put a little creamer in before stirring a spoon in his hot mug. He could feel the stare of the Mayor burning into his back. Like holding ice cubes.

" Can I help you?" Syntax looked back at him, sipping his coffee. The Mayor chuckled and shook his head. He turned on his heel and walked away. Syntax raised a brow, " That was weird" He muttered to himself as he continued to drink his coffee. " Ew," A voice instantly annoyed him. " Uuuugh, hello Huntsman." Syntax glared at him as Huntsman stole some coffee too. " Make your own batch" "It's like almost a full jug. Share you brat" " Fuck off."

Syntax and Huntsman bickered before Huntsman left to drink his coffee. Syntax huffed and looked around in the fridge. He took out a yogurt and sat at the small table. The chairs were uncomfortable but will do. He ate the yogurt slowly, he didn't feel like actual food yet. If at all today. He tend to forget about food. He was mostly working so, he didn't eat much. He didn't forget to drink what though. Just food would make him leave his work for an extended time.

He threw away the yogurt cup and filled up his mug before going to his workspace. He set his mug on the side of the table and got to work on new and improved spider bots. He tinkered with an old bot, reviewing his blueprints and adding notes. As he worked, he noticed the temperature dip. He shivered and held his lab coat closer to his body.

He continued to work but soon figured out why it got colder. He figured it out when he felt breathing on his neck. He wiped around and saw the Mayor smiling at him. " What the- what are you doing here?!" He demanded to know. " Just checking on you and your work." The Mayor's smile twisted into a smirk as he walked backwards. " Just making sure." He added as he left the room. Syntax got the chills. Syntax exhaled and slowly turned back around. What was his deal.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider - The Mayor X SyntaxWhere stories live. Discover now