Comfort Place

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      His heart was beating so fast, probably from leaping from roof to roof. Marinette needed to hear, to feel his heart beat. Knowing that it was real, his heart, the kitty who she trusts and loves. She can't bring herself to let go of him. "Marinette please tell me what's wrong." Chat Noir pleaded. 

She wants to tell him, everything from her dream. How this was the worst nightmare she ever had, and it was about him. Well the other him, the icey him. The Chat that changed her and forced her to keep her kitty at a distance. She can't tell him, the words won't even form. How can she explain how he who is her greatest ally, her comfort and safe place; that she is terrified of him and their future. 

"I'm scared Chat." She mumbled trying to bury herself more into him.

"Scared of what Marinette?"

"Scared of..." She cuts herself off. She can't tell him, about her dream. That will expose her. Chat Blanc is Ladybugs nightmare, not Marinette's. She never met or let alone fought that villain, Ladybug did. What could she say? They don't know each other in this form. The best she can do is just not say what's going on or who it's about. "I'm scared of my fashion designs never being good enough." That was the best story she could come up with.

Chat Noir knew that was a lie. It may be a doubt in her mind, but it is not why she is crying like this. He wants to know what is causing her pain, he wishes he could just take it away but he can't do anything without knowing the truth. He's Chat Noir not Adrien, they don't know each other so why would she tell him what's really going on. The only thing he can do is comfort her in any way she lets him.

"You're gonna be the best fashion designer ever Marinette." Just to reassure her, because he knows how a little reassurance can help. 

"Do you mind staying with me for awhile?" She pleads.

"Of course princess." He couldn't help but have a slight smirk on his face.

Three hours passed and they are still interwind. They both just needed one another and found comfort in just being together. It was 3 a.m. though and Adrien needs to be up for breakfast and morning piano practice at 7 a.m. So he should go. "Marinette it's late I have to go now." He had to fight every bone in his body to say that. 

"I know." She said almost dispair like, she needed him. Marinette didn't want him to go but knew she had to let him go.

"I'll see you later princess."

"Bye"  and he extended his stick and jumped to the next roof top, then the next, and the next. His figure now just a shape until all that was left was just the night sky and the cold gentle breeze touching her face.

Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir: Cross RoadsWhere stories live. Discover now