Part 8

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Being your brother's keeper was far easier when one's brother wasn't Roksu Henituse.

In fact, Cale felt confident in asserting that anyone who managed to become Roksu's hyung would be wracked with headaches, anxiety, and an unnerving amount of good things.

Roksu was like the golden goose if the golden goose made you worry about it constantly through a reckless disregard for its own safety.

Despite Roksu's protests otherwise, basically every scheme the cretin came up with seemed to place him in the utmost danger while prioritizing the safety and well-being of those around him. It was maddening.

Cale knew that he was trash but Roksu was seriously some next level garbage.

And he was also the most affectionate, protective, and truly kind person that Cale had ever known. His affection was hidden behind a stoic expression and kindness was given out like an unimpressive nothing. He'd ardently argue that he placed his own safety above all others and yet he'd never accept a situation where someone he valued would suffer.

And in a way that shocked even Cale, he was utterly ruthless to his true enemies.

He could forgive just about any slight to himself, although he did have a petty streak, but the moment a person said or did something that endangered those he cared about, Roksu was fierce in his condemnation.

And Roksu cared about those around him. So much that it surprised Cale. Despite keeping himself closed off from the possibility of being spoiled or cared for, Roksu had a unique way of treasuring the people around him. He didn't treat Cale like a child anymore but he still went out of his way to check in on Cale when the mood was glum or when the pressure began to crush him.

He noticed the distress of others and proactively assisted with it.

It was like he had a self imposed one-sided love with the world. Gently seeking Cale out when the memories from the war became too much and his body rattled at the fresh memories of losing his entire world and just staying at his side until Cale had calmed down. As though Roksu knew exactly what those feelings felt like.

He probably did.

But he never showed Cale that weakness. Holding the weight of the world on his shoulders with an unbreakable determination that so frequently sent him into the throws of danger.

Roksu was really something else.

But Cale had a problem that veered completely outside of the difficulty in keeping Roksu from his own batshit insane tendencies. A problem that bothered him frequently over the past year and a half.

A problem that ricocheted inside of him with absolute clarity with the wedding just around the corner.

Count Deruth Henituse was due to marry Lady Violan in a month's time. A respectable two years after his previous wife's passing and adopting his new step son. In about a year's time, their daughter would be born.

Cale couldn't be happier over the match. Unlike his bittersweet emotions the first go around, Cale was ecstatic to meet his stepmother and siblings again.

It was just that it reminded him so strongly of his failed promise to himself.

If it counted as a defense, although he feared that it didn't, Roksu was just a difficult man to get close to. After that brief and anxious time when they had learned one anothers secrets, all of Roksu's walls had been drawn up at once.

The boy that would hesitantly and awkwardly accept Cale's hugs as though he'd never actually been given such affection before had vanished and in his place was a man who dodged even the opportunity for physical contact or affectionate sibling bonding.

an unfortunate change in genreWhere stories live. Discover now