Part 24

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" really never let up."

"It's not like I want to go to the capital."

"And yet, you stowed away."

"I have shit to deal with and you weren't going to let me go."

"No shit you're not going. It's dangerous."

"Are you seriously saying that now? Isn't it a little bit late for that?"

"It's never too late to send a little shit like you back home."

"We're literally entering the capital."

"How did you even manage to stow away for so long?"


"That son of a bitch–wait, Ron had to have known too, did you bribe him as well?"

"How do you bribe Ron? That's possible? Can you teach me?"

"Haaa... you're insufferable."

There is something truly unique and wonderful about the relationship between siblings. Should tragedy not strike, they can be considered the longest companions a person will have in their lifetime.

It's that uniquely special love between two siblings that enables them to really, really hate each other while also loving one another with a protective ferocity. Sometimes, one of those emotions would cause or trigger the other.

Like when you love and protect your brother and one too many times does the little shit endanger itself and all you're left with is this simmering anger that could be called hatred but what paradoxically is fueled by love.

The brothers lapsed into a silence, knowing better than most that this argument wouldn't end well if continued. The special truce between siblings who know one another well enough to know which landmines to step on and which ones to tactfully avoid. Sometimes, in a bad mood, a sibling might stomp on the wrong landmines just for spite.

Siblinghood was indeed a truly interesting experience.

The carriage containing the feuding brothers was able to pass the main gate without incident. Although the guards had been taken aback by the sight of brothers.

Although they were four years apart in age, as time narrowed the gap in their development it became even more clear how similar they were in appearance. One could easily mistake them for twins at this point in time. It led to the occasional stranger wondering if they were seeing double before taking in the differences between them.

Cale had neatly trimmed hair and an extravagant fashion sense that suited him well due to his handsome features. There probably wasn't a shirt in his closet that didn't have some frill or trim that marked it as senselessly expensive and fashionable. Neither brother was particularly muscular but there was noticeably more tone to Cale's figure.

In comparison, Roksu could be said to have a rather drab fashion sense. The clothes he picked were also the simplest to wear and in appearance that he could possibly get away with. His hair had grown past his shoulders but not in any attempt to pursue a 'look'. It was clearly a man who was too lazy or too busy to get it cut. For Roksu, he had an odd mixture of both. Roksu's face had a bit more youth to it but his expressions normally made him look more mature.

They even moved differently, although subtly so. Cale had an effortless grace to him, a certain eloquence that marked him as a nobleman in spirit and mind. It was the sort of class that money couldn't buy, although his extravagant possessions made it clear that he could buy most things. Roksu liked to lounge, he moved in a languid way that put you at ease. Mostly due to his uncanny ability to read a situation and assess what the other party's intentions were, he could adjust his behavior towards what was necessary. Although most of the time he'd assess what was expected of him and then do whatever the hell he wanted regardless.

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