Part 38

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Choi Han was a truly simple minded person and The lucky thing about being truly simple minded was that sometimes they had an easier time understanding complex subjects.

Instead of attempting to work out the how or the why a circumstance existed, a simple minded person could grasp it as reality and move on to the much more important question that followed: what now?

For example, Choi Han didn't understand how or why Roksu Henituse and Kim Rok Soo were the same person, he just knew that it was the factual truth and moved on to the next step, protecting that important person with his life.

It was a strength in a lot of ways and a weakness in others. Ultimately it boiled down to Choi Han was able to adjust to facts that didn't make sense faster than most people did.

When he heard that the White Star would reincarnate and return to fight again, his faction still tightly surrounding and protecting him while listening to his every command, Choi Han didn't need to know why or how he just needed to come up with a way to find the White Star and put an end to him for good.

And that was where the strengths of the simple-minded truly benefited from complicated companions.

It had been three months since the frankly traumatic events in Endable. They were still working on the clean up and negotiating with the current Duke, possibly future King, Fredo.

There weren't even the slightest hints of the White Star's factions. They apparently knew when and how to lie low. Although a significant portion had been dealt with through Duke Fredo's own tactical betrayal.

The Henituse Territory was also well on its way to recovery. Violan had made a near complete recovery, with only a slight limp that made Roksu feel strange every time he saw it. She did her best to hide it though and she stood taller than ever.

There was a pride in her stance and the way she'd hugged him when he returned safely had really made it impossible to deny.

Violan was his mother. And she would protect him with all the fierce determination of a mother.

He already knew that she was an incredible woman but a new respect had blossomed inside of him when he was left without a choice but to accept the maternal love from the formidable Violan Henituse.

Cale was... upset would be too flippant of a word to use. He wasn't acting out and he had a certain set to his jaw that assured the world under no uncertain terms that he wouldn't take this lying down but... there was something that had broken inside of him and it was currently rattling around and causing all sorts of damage as it did.

Roksu honestly wasn't even sure how to approach it. He had a sense that Cale wasn't ready to have it approached, it was still too raw and an applied pressure might just cause further damage.

It was unnerving.

But altogether, the world was recovering from the turbulent time that had nearly taken so many lives.

Roksu was recovering too.

And he was already making arrangements.

There was a rather long to-do list of tips, clues, connections, and potential acquaintances that had accumulated for Roksu over the years and despite his best attempt to ignore that list in hopes of staying uninvolved, he now rifled through the information with a certain devious complexity that allowed individuals like Choi Han to remain simple-minded.

The sound of a communication device going off broke Roksu's concentration off of his current task and he had Raon answer for him, smiling at the crown prince brightly. "Your highness, what cause could such an amazing individual such as yourself have for contacting me?"

an unfortunate change in genreWhere stories live. Discover now