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Hello, Readerssssssss

Author has come to greet you again and bring a new chapter to this book!

Hehehe sorry for the long update

OwO don't forget to comment~

Boboiboy owned by Monsta

"I can do this": talking

'Today is not my day': thinking



It takes time to get used to having a flying robot by your side, even as someone like Supra who has gotten used to weird things. It is the second time of the day that he unconciously throws something at Echobot. Though he feels a bit sorry, the power sphera doesn't really blame him. Is it just that, day by day, communicating with Echobot, Supra becomes a bit hypersensitive (?). As if every movement gave a warning sign to his brain.

"Ughhh, why does the sun shine so brightly?" Supra raised his hand to cover his ruby eyes from the sun. Don't get him wrong. He loved the sun. It is hot but comforting. It feels like being hugged.

Not far for him a cute little girl is looking for a place to sit. She saw Supra and got interested in his eyes. The little girl giggled and quickly ran off to the stall.

"Ummm, excuse me?"

"Hm?" Supra stares at the girl, his gaze darting in all directions.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Can I see your eyes?"

"My eyes?"

"Yes! Your eyes are beautiful! "

The boy is a bit taken aback at the sudden compliment.

"Can I?"

"Um.. sure?" He gets out from behind the counter and gets close to the girl. The little girl giggled again and touched Supra's face. Her big doe eyes were staring right at Supra's ruby orb.

"Abang, very cool!"

Supra simple smile makes the girl coo in wonder.

"Where is your parent?"

"Don't know?"

"How come you're here?"

"Ohhh, Syasya wants to adventure. So Syasya decided to go here after school!"

Supra sweatdropped after hearing the answer.

'Shouldn't children be watched by their parent?' Supra kept looking at the road and the park, searching for the whereabouts of the girl's parents, but no one was there only him and the little girl.

"Why are you here?" Supra asked again, in the hope of gaining a new answer.

"I'm exploring! I've just finished my lessons! Look!" The little girl open a book full of doodles.

'Why did I end up babysitting?' Supra grimace at the unidentified drawing.

"Abang, what is that?"

"This is a cup of coffee."

"Ohhhh, the black thingy that Papa drinks!"

Supra felt a twinge in his heart.

'Is this jealously that I feel? Why should I be jealous of a little girl?' He scratches his hair and decides to ignore the little girl.

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