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L I N A ' S  P O V

"I told you," Jo said as her nose was dived into her economic homework. I was pacing around our apartment with my phone clutched hard into my hand. 

"He said he would call," I said and she sighed. 

"As I said, boys don't think longer than their dicks." She said. 

"But he was so genuine," I explained. 

"Once again, they all are until it gets serious." She said. 

It's been two weeks since the party and Bene hadn't called me yet. I didn't like freak out, maybe a little bit but I didn't enjoy being lied to. I wanted pure honesty. If he wasn't into me then tell me. Thankfully I had a lot of studying to do so I had a lot of distractions. 

"My class starts in 30 minutes. I need to go." I said and grabbed my computer and my books. Jo waved me goodbye, still, her nose dived into her book. I left the apartment and walked the ten-minute walk to campus. When I moved I swore to myself that I was going to walk as much as I could. I wasn't going to use the bus or ubers all the time. I knew exercise was hard to fit into when you are at uni so walking to wherever I was going was a great way to fit in that exercise. 

"Morning Lina." Olivier said as I walked up to the entrance of our university. 

"Morning Olly." I said with a slight smile. 

"Did you finish the essay?" He asked. 

"Last night, you?" I asked and he shook his head. 

"Professor Cross will kill me." He said and I chuckled. 

The doors to our lecture opened and we sat down in the second row as usual. Olivier and I were almost always the first ones there. Just to get the best seats. We sat down and I kept wshing my phone would buzz, that Bene at least would send me a text or something. I know it's silly to keep obsessing over this and it's not really like me but everything just seemed so perfect that night. 

"Want to grab a coffee?" Olivier asked as we walked out of the lecture hall. 

"Sure." I said. We walked out of the university and as I walked down the big stairs I saw a way too familiar face leaning onto the beige stone wall. He looked so perfect wearing black trousers and a black shirt. An outfit he knew I liked. He dragged his hand through his curls as he looked down on the ground. He seemed confident. He looked up and met my eyes. He didn't smile like he always did that nigh, his confidence went away and suddenly he seemed nervous. Regretful even. 

"Olly, can we take a raincheck? I have something to do." I asked. 

"Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow." He said and I nodded with a smile. 

I walked down the stairs and towards Bene who was holding what appeared to be a small present in his hands. For a second we just stood there in silence. 

"I'm sorry for not calling." He then said and handed over the present. I opened it slowly and it revelaed a pair of modern and minimalstic golden earrings. They were beautiful. 

"You wore similar once last time." He said and I smiled lightly. He remembered. 

"I'm so sorry." He said and I looked up at him. 

"Don't worry about it." I said and he sighed in relief. 

"I was just so nervous about calling you because I didn't know what to say and then it all just became a mess." He explained. He looked cute when he was apologising. 

"Hey, it's okay." I said, placing my hand on his cheek and he smiled at me. 

"Well, do you have any more classes today?" He asked. 

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