60 The Runaway Groom

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She stepped her foot onto the ground of the airport and watched through her teary eyes at her ticket between her fingers. (Flight at 10 pm)20 more minutes to take off -it said. Jangmi couldn't stop shedding tears. The more she held herself, the more her heart ached. She screamed in her mind- I hate you, I really hate you!
Any people that passed her got concerned about what made this beautiful lady in such a state. She pulled all her luggage and walked to the counter. This day suddenly reminded Jangmi of her coming to Korea for the first time and how she was overly excited to meet the man of her dream. She started regretting her every decision, but the thought of it made her cry her heart out. She didn't care about all the people glaring at her, even the counter lady talked to her carefully in case she hurt her. The lady at the counter told, "Ma'am if you don't mind can you wait for the next flight. It seems the flight that was supposed to depart 20 minutes later has all of a sudden some technical problems. And we are currently dealing with it. We will inform you soon."
Jangmi cried to her, "NO! I DON'T WANT TO STAY HERE ANY A MINUTE! DO SOMETHING I WON'T WAIT!" The lady got frightened with a bit of her tone.
"Ma'am please cooperate, it's a sudden problem. Hope you understand," the lady pleaded. Jangmi looked totally devastating at that. She, helplessly, searched through her purse to find if anything could be useful to her. In the meantime, she found an old card that had an address while the counter lady called for her saying, "Ma'am good news, the flight's ready to go!"
Jangmi smiled big, feeling her tears pay off.

Jungkook turned on the windshield wipers of the car as the rain started to pour heavily. Because of the rain, there is a sudden traffic Jam that they got stuck into. Jungkook peeked outside and told Jin, "Seems that the sky won't be supporting us." Jin paid no attention to him but the diary he kept reading as soon as he found it in his hand. Jungkook understood his mood and said no more, cause he didn't want to disturb him. Jin looked emotional as he flipped the pages silently. After he finished reading the last page, he murmured to himself, "I didn't know Jangmi felt these..It must have been hard.."
Jungkook nodded.
Suddenly the jam got freed, so he did no delay and drove themselves finally to the airport. Jungkook parked the car at a side of the road where Jin hurried himself getting out and running to the airport, all drenched in rain. He reached the counter and asked in quick, "Did the 10pm flight take off?!" The counter lady checked the information board and answered him, "Yes, sir, it just did." Jungkook came running after, following Jin. He realized everything after then for the look on his hyung's face. He said silently, "We are late.."
Jin's face got brighter as he turned back at the counter and thereafter asked the lady, "When is the next flight to Bangladesh?"

"Sir, 30 minutes later."

"Alright, book us a ticket. We will go there!" said Jin, excitingly, taking out his credit card. He had still grabbed that diary within his chest and told himself, "It's just some matter of time! Then I will be with you..Jangmi! Wait a little more.."

"Sir, you can rest there at waiting room," said the lady. Jungkook took Jin to a seat that the counter lady had directed. Jin appeared wreck and cold so Jungkook made him seat on it and went to a vender machine to grab themselves a hot coffee. Blowing on the coffee for the hot to go, he walked happily to Jin, thinking, "Finally Jangmi and Jin hyung is liking each other! I truly wish they get to meet.." He glanced a little at the counter lady how abruptly she got busy with attending uncontrollable telephones and also Jin's full attention on the news casting on television above-
"The South Korea faced their biggest air disaster due to the heavy rainfall. Korea airlines reported that the plane that took off at 10pm today, had previously some technical issues. While flying in the heavy rain, the damages in the engine grew bigger and for the mismanagement a near miss occured. Experts saying, the plane crashed outside the country, on Indian ocean. The passengers on that plane are nowhere to be found. But a thorough rescue is going on."
Jungkook, dumbstruck, dropped the coffees the moment he heard the news. Jin saw blank before his eyes as he kneeled down on the floor, loosing the last hope.

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