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You watched curiously as the newcomer was swarmed and then abandoned as a quick whisper was sent round the room. You tried your best to catch a whisper of the gossip. He seemed attractive enough. He had a title too. He caught your eye and you shared a moment across the room. By the time he could come your way you found yourself shooed away by your mother.

Spotting the Bridgertons in one corner you decided to make your way to them. If someone knew something about anything. It would be Eloise. Crossing the room with a practise swiftness, avoiding the grabbing demand of older suitors that found themselves so unwanted they would need to gather in the middle of the room and sweep up any unsuspecting potential bride who was not lithe enough on her feet.

You reached Eloise as you stretched out her grasp for you as if you were lost at sea and she sat in the only lifeboat.

"Who is the new one?" Eloise asked you.

"If you do not know then how would I know. Eloise you and your siblings are my prime source of information. Mother does not want me to associate with him. What does yours say of him?" You asked. Eloise leant round you and curiously watched as your mother beckoned Lady Bridgerton over and frantically whispered to her. As she watched the mother hens cluck you caught sight of Anthony. Daphne was at Simon's side and was excusing herself to talk with a friend. Both men looked as if they knew very well who had entered the proverbial ring.

"I have a feeling that your brother may know." You said. Eloise glanced over at Anthony.

"That weasel! He does know something. You go to him and find what you can. I shall go and ask Pen." Eloise fled your side and moved with a firm march towards Penelope who was at the edge of the commotion watching with Colin. You hesitated but saw Nigel Berbrooke heading your way. With a new motivation to your step you hurried towards Anthony.

"What do you know?" You asked curiously as you gestured gracefully to Daphne who took a watchful position with her friend not too far away so as to vouch for you should someone begin to natter about you and Anthony.

"I know many things." ANthony answered.

"Hmm. I doubt that. A few maybe." You muttered and smiled when he scoffed.

"Oh I am certain that I know some things that you do not." Anthony said confidently.

"Yes. You know who that is don't you?" You said in a quizzical but certain tone. Anthony hesitated before answering. Simon was clearly amused by your question but stayed silent. Taking a long sip from his drink.

"I may have seen him a few times at the Gentleman's club." He admitted.

"He seemed rather handsome. Who would mother not want for me to be married to a handsome young man with a title?" You asked. Anthony glanced at Simon who was chuckling.

"He is better known for the things they do on the mattress." Anthony said after some thought."

"Sleeping? He is well known for sleeping?" You asked. Simon's laughter was now causing people to stare.

"Yes! He is, according to the rumour, the most excellent sleeper. He can encourage anyone to sleep." Simon teased.

"You know if you will not tell me then I will have Benedict tell me." You warned as you realised that he was teasing you.

"If I tell you I will be in trouble." Anthony said.

"That sounds terrible for you." You said with a smile.

"He is rather passionate about sleeping. His partners find him irresistible but he never settles down with them." He said cripticly. You glanced at Daphne who turned quickly and became suddenly engrossed with studying a rather ugly statue near her. "I will say nothing more."

"Nothing more?" You asked. He nodded firmly and you nodded, planning to take the information to Eloise and compare with what she had gotten from her brothers. As you left her the newcomer approached you. He went to reach for your dance card that hung around your wrist and bow politely but before he could Anthony had taken you by the arm and was leading you towards the mothers who had been joined by Lady Danbury.

"Daphne do you not think it wise to take (Y/N) to find a drink?" He said firmly. The newcomer opened his mouth to object but Simon appeared on one side of Anthony while Benedict and Colin hurried over. Eloise was beaming by the drinks table, hungry for the information and drama that you'd gathered or caused. Daphne took you by the arm, gently, and moved you through the room, steering you towards Eloise and Penelope.

"This is going to be in the gossip papers tomorrow. All I was trying to do was avoid trouble." You mumbled. Eloise filled you in on the news that several young ladies had been seduced and sent away only to return to the next season always with new siblings who looked remarkably like them. Daphne gasped when appropriate and Penelope's eyes were so wide that you thought they might fall out of her head. You added what Anthony had said. Penelope turned to you and clutched your arm.

"It was a good turn of fortune that Anthony came to your rescue. He sounds like some crazed beast that lusts for young women! It was certainly not your own fault. I hope everyone knows how Anthony came to your rescue." Penelope said the last part rather loudly and seemed satisfied that the eavesdroppers that you'd collected had heard. She had whispered the worst lust as if it was the most unsavoury tasting thing that had ever graced her own lips.

"I will have to thank him tomorrow when we promenade." You had ment it somewhat sarcastically but Pen was off, bustling through the crowd with Eloise after her. You and Daphne fetched your drinks and watched the duel of words that went between Anthony and the newcomer.

"What if you end up being the one for him?" Daphne said.

"I don't think I would mind." You muttered. Simon glanced her way and they seemed to share a look you couldn't decipher because at her slight nod Simon insisted that Anthony calm and the small group split, the Bridgerton men and Simon headed over to the trio of women watching everything going on. Lady Bridgerton seemed to be scolding Anthony's behaviour.

"Well. I certainly hope that Anthony doesn't mind either. He seems of the opinion that some things he likes should be put aside and saved. Hopefully he does not save them for too long." You frowned at her, unsure what she meant. Watching her as you went over what she said again in your mind, you missed Anthony's gaze falling on you and lingering for a longer moment than usual.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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