Chapter 18

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"Lauren, I'm really sorry about that." Brad said as he apologizes from his previous actions.

"No, it's alright, it was just an acting but honestly how's your face?" Lauren asked hiding the fact that she was hurt by the words Brad used.

"I'm fine," Brad said and smiled.

"Oh, you are?" Dinah asked and pressed her point finger on Brad's bruise, making him hiss in pain.

"Fuck, Dinah!" Brad hissed.

"Dinah!" Camila scolded while trying not to laugh.

"Here's an ice if it's still hurt." Ally said offering an ice pack to Brad. "Do you want me to go grab you some pain killers?"

"No it's alright, the ice will do it's magic and I'll just go grab myself one after the meeting. Thank you though." Brad said and smiled.

Lauren, Dinah, Camila, Ally, Normani and Brad are in Simon Cowell's office, waiting for him to come and about to discuss yesterday's event. You and the rest of Allegiance went back home, even though you protested to stay with Lauren for the night, Big Rob peeled you off Lauren and sat you back in your car, while Zac and Cara became your seatbelt to avoid you from running once again. From your attempt of freeing yourself from Cara's hold you accidently punched her nose causing it to bleed and making you stop to whatever you were doing and remained silent. Though, once you got home you slammed your bedroom like a child that never got what toy they wanted from shopping.

"Hello." A British voice said from the door.

"Oh, hello Simon." Camila said. The rest of them greeted him as well.

"I'm sorry about your face, Brad." Simon sympathized.

"It's alright." He said and smiled. "Y/N was a friend of mine when we are still kids, so I would like to help as much as I can."

"We'll succeed." Simon assured. "Let's get this meeting started."

"So, you are telling me that Y/N was too blinded by anger that it failed her to remember?" Simon asked.

"Yup." Dinah said, popping the 'p' at the end.

"Then, what else can we possibly do?" Simon asked, looking around for suggestion.

"I don't know, Simon. Personally, I don't know who Y/N is before all this thing happened." Dinah said, receiving a nod of approval from Camila, Normani and Ally.

"I know, but I feel like you guys have the potential to help, each of you remind me of someone that was in Y/N's life before."

"And where are they now? It would be better if Y/N will see a familiar face, maybe seeing the people that used to be in her life will trigger some thoughts." Camila said.

"Yeah and that will lessen broken nose and bruises." Ally said suggestively, the person that was never keen about the idea of violence.

"If that is true then it would've worked." Simon says while glancing at Lauren and Brad.

The four girls then glanced at the silent Lauren who's been glaring on the floor. "I'm sorry." They all said.

"Also, Y/N is surrounded by familiar faces, Zac, Andres, Shay and Cara. Also, Big Rob, myself, and a lot in showbiz industry. and also, Lauren." Simon said and sighed, knowing that the topic is too sensitive for the young green-eyed girl. "It's just that, Y/N's case is severe and we are trying to naturally make her remember."

"I'm sorry, but can we please be clear? I mean we got a vague explanation about Y/N when you explained us what is happening." Normani said.

Simon took a deep breath and sighed glancing towards Lauren. Not only did Simon found deep care for Lauren's feelings but the topic is also too sensitive for him.

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