Chapter 7

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Lauren’s POV

Y/BFN, Y/BFN who is she that Y/N has to rush out of here? I was rudely interrupted of my thinking by someone clearing their throat. I looked up to see the other 4 girls looking at me expectantly. I rose both of my eyebrows but not in a rude way.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Camila asked. She’s the one that looks the most angry compared to the others, Normani, Dinah and Ally just looks at me with a ‘what’s wrong look’ while Camila here looks at me with ‘what the fuck? Who do you think you are?’ look.

“Sitting.” I said and smiled to try and lighten up the mood, I wonder why she’s even so worked up about something I don’t know.

“Why do you have to send that kind of vibe towards Y/N?” Camila asked.

“What kind of Vibe are you talking about, Camila?” I asked calmly.

“The vibe that sends ‘I will murder you’ vibe.” Camila said crossing her arms.

“I’m not; I was just asking her questions.” I said.

“She was rushing. You could’ve asked her nicely.” Camila said nicer this time.

“I know but it kinda just happened I don’t know.” I said feeling rather insecure right now. The 3 girls are still silent.

“It’s ok, Lauren, She’ll understand.” Ally said and her phone rang. “I have to take this.” She said and walked deeper in the bus.

“I don’t know what to say.” Dinah and Normani blurted out. “but don’t worry, you can tell us what’s happening.” They said at the same time that they looked at each other horrified.

“Well, it was just kind of a sudden. I mean I don’t know. I’m having this weird feeling about her leaving us for Y/BFN and Pete knows who ever that girl is.” I said clenching my jaw at the thought.

“Lauren, she lives here in Toronto and grew up here as well, she have friends so maybe Y/BFN is her best friend that she didn’t want to expose in the media.” Camila explained a lot more nicely now. She then put her hand on my shoulder and patted it. She then sat down and looked at Dinah and Normani, then again, they shared this look that I don’t understand for almost a month now every time I am talking about Allegiance specially Y/N.

“You guys know that I’m not blind, right?” I asked already annoyed and feeling rather out of place because of that look.

“What?” The three of them asked.

“You’ve been shamelessly sharing this look in front of me as if I don’t notice.” I said. Looking expectantly at the three of them. Normani and Dinah then sat at the opposite couch facing me and Camila.

“So, tell me guys, what is it?” I asked challenging them.

“It’s just that. You’re oblivious.” Normani said carefully.

“Oblivious about what?” I asked.

“About what you’re feeling.” Dinah then said.

“What?” I asked clearly confused.

“Lauren, you’ll know in the right time, we don’t want to interfere and overwhelm you about this, so it is better for you to find out by yourself.” Camila said.

“About what exactly?” I asked, worried that it is something that’s affecting our band badly.

“You don’t have to worry, it’s not something bad.” Ally said scaring the crap out of the four of us.

“Geez, Ally!” I said. So then we talked about watching a movie for the rest of the day but my mind never left the topic about ‘the thing that I’ll find out better by myself.’

But before the movie can even begin, I hear my name being called.

“Lauren?” My mom asked.

“yeah?” I asked back, My mom and Normani’s mom are with us for this month.

“Can I speak with you?” She asked me calmly and I nodded my head and followed her in the back lounge while everyone went in the front to watch the movie.

To say I’m nervous is an underestimate. My mom would normally just asks me or talk infront of the girls if we need to talk but right now she asked me and walked me towards the back lounge.

“Take a sit.” My mom said calmly sitting. I sat beside her and fidgeted.

“Don’t be scared Lauren, it’s not something bad.” My mom laughed and it lightens up the mood.

“Then why does it have to be so private?” I asked.

“Well, I’m just here to give you an advise.” My mom said and smiled. “Lauren, you are a young, sweet girl, and I am proud of you became, but I am afraid that you don’t see that yet. It’ll take time for you to but just remember that never be afraid.”

“Ok, mom, you’re sounding so much like the other girls.” I said.

“Maybe because we are on the same page here.” She suggested.

“Will you please tell me what it is?” I asked and pouted knowing that my mom can’t resist.

“For the first time in my life ever since you are born, that didn’t work.” My mom said and pointed at me laughing.

“Lauren, sweetie. It’s not something you should wrap your mind around on because then you’ll be busy wrapping it up that you actually miss the real message of it.” My mom said.

“ok.” I said and smiled. “So all you this is not something bad that I should get worried right?” I asked.

“No, sweetie.” My mom said and smiled. Then we decided to go and join the others.


Hey! Guys! I'm sorry if I didn't update quickly because I didn't have any access of the internet but now I do woohoo! So I hope you guys take this as a sorry gift from me :D

Love, zzzBOSSzzz

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