Chapter Sixteen (Misunderstandings)

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Sakusa POV

We decided to go back to my room instead of Atsu's

When we got there we got on my bed it was the first time I've not been worried about germs...

I was to focused on Atsu and only him he was the only thing that mattered right now...

"Atsu are you ok?"

He hugged into my chest more hiding his face

"...Omi I'm sorry"

I was confused by what he meant sorry about what?

"What are you talking about Atsumu?

He hugged me tighter and I could hear his snuffles

"I broke our promise..."

"Literally after a couple minutes"

'I'm sorry

What promise is he tal- I thought really hard... oh wait...

Flash back (Earlier)

"Then just hold my hand and don't let go"


Flash back over ( Present Time)

"Atsu you don't have to cry over that"

"Plus the dark is your fear if it was mine I would probably do the same"

He looked up at me finally his eyes were red and puffy but to me he looked adorable

"Do you have a fear other then germs?"

I shit...Did I say that uh...What do I say...

"Uh did I?"

I laughed and looked away but he just grabbed my face with both of his hands and made me look at him he was pouting Idiot

"You did say you had a fear but didn't say what... and by that reaction it's not germophobia!"

He let go of my face and laid his head on my thighs

"I wonder what the Sakusa Kiyoomi is afraid of"

I laughed and looked at him he totally forgot about the dark...Speaking of which I need to give him his present

"Hey Atsu I got you a gift..."

He looked up at me with his normal bright smile and his golden eyes but this time I swear I saw a glow in them he was happy I could just tell...

There it is that feeling...

It's a type of feeling that makes you wanna stop time and just stay there forever I wonder what this feeling is and why do I only feel it with him

"You did what is it..?"

I reached on the floor and grabbed the bag

'You might have seen it when you got lost from me"

I took out the light and handed it to him...his reaction was surprising to say the least

'Thank you Omi!!"

He hugged me and started to ball...I guess I should get used to this cry baby..I laughed and hugged him back

A couple minutes later he fell asleep... I guess this was slowly becoming a habit but it was one I didn't mind at all I kinda started to like His touch

Plus that was way to close I'm glad he didn't ask more about my fear...

I quickly got up and clean my whole room I changed my bed sheets and Atsu into more comfortable clothes

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