🧡Birthday Love💛

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!birthday boy! Ruggie
!Treys sister! Reader



>-y/n pow-<

Today is Ruggie's birthday. Me and my brother Trey are making half white chocolate and half dark chocolate cake with donuts on it. It is pretty hard to make it especially for my brother. Yes he's really good at cooking but he never did such a complicated cake as this.

You asking what is ruggie to me?
Well simple answer


He's not my friend or anything we are just...strangers. Since im in heartslabyul like my brother i don't see him that often to start a conversation with him. Only few days later he came to me and asked me if i would do a cake on his birthday. And since im a pastry chef i know how to bake. "ok now we only have to decorate the donuts..." i said rubbing my forehead. "and it's done!" i continue the sentence and looked at the Three-storey cake with my brother. "You did really good job Y/n."
Trey said petting my head. "Hehe Thanks brother." i said, grab his hand and happily squeeze it. He looked at me and smiled maybe he imagined us when we were little. "oh..the glaze. It's done." i said running to the bowl of pink glaze. "we can finish our work." i said and started to soak the donuts. Trey joined me after i said that.

A 30 minutes later when everything was done, people from the savanaclaw used magic to transport the cake on the party. But when they were leaving one of them said "oh and Leona invite you to the party." "Us? Why?" Trey said. "Leona wants to give you a thanks himself." the boy said and left. Me and Trey looked at each other and blink at the same time. Leona and given thanks!? "well i guess we have to go and wear something nice." Trey said. "yea you're right" i said

"oh Come on!" i said looking at the closet "what is it beautiful?" Cater said. Cater has a crush on me even when i already said to him i don't love him...yea sure he can be my friend but not boyfriend. "I don't have any pretty clothes!" i said. "Hmm...that can be fixed!" Cater says, grabs his Magic Wand and swings with it. All of the sudden my closet closed and started to shake. When it ends i looked at the Cater who has a big smile on his face. I opened the door and saw a beautiful black-yellow dress. "Wooooow this dress is sooo beautiful!" i said and hugged Cater "Thank you Cater!" i said once again. "now shoo, shoo i need to change." i nod with my hand to go out. "#beautiful #girlfriend..." i heard Cater who's typing something on his phone. I grabbed his phone and said " first...Go Out...second...im not your girlfriend...and third...WHEN I SAY GO OUT YOU WILL GO OUT!!!" i yelled and kick him out of my room. "ahhh...my little y/n...you're so cute" Cater said hugging his phone. "I HEARD THAT!" I yelled once again.

A few minutes later someone knocked on my door. I thought it was Cater again so i closed my eyes and opened the door. But before i said something i heard my brother saying "woow you look amazing sister!" "oh thank you brother." i opened my eyes and said. "ready to go to savanaclaw?" he asked "yes" i answered and grab his arm.

When we were there everybody was looking and started to gossip about us. I took it as a bad thing. So it changed my mood a little but not that much to change my mind to go back. When we entered to party the atmosphere was really pretty and that little waterfall was awesome. But the thing was i didn't saw our cake anywhere so i thought to myself 'hmm maybe they will show that cake later' while i was thinking, me and my brother sit down somewhere in the corner. We had some random conversation like always but we were cut by Leona who came to our table. "welcome, i hope you are having fun." he said with his deep voice. "Oh Leona-san yes we are having fun, this is my sister y/n we heard that you wanted to thank us." my brother said. "nice to meet you y/n and yes i want to give my thanks for the cake." he said. "T-that's no problem sir i love to bake for people." i said little scared. "please call me Leona" he said and bowed. It was rare to see Leona like that. I don't know why he was like that but he was like a true gentleman. I can say. "Leona? Where is Ruggie? I thought this is his birthday." Trey said. "Ruggie is in his room....y/n? Can you go and check him for me?" Leona said. "oh s-sure" i said and ask Leona where is his room.

I was walking through the hallway looking for Ruggies room. "Where could it be?" i asked myself when i suddenly heard someone talking to himself. "it comes from there." i said quietly. When i was in front of the door i stated listening. "ok...*breath in breath out* i can do this....hello everyone and welcome to my birthday party! Today i am 18 years old now and i want to say a few things before we start celebrating. First i want to give a huge thanks to Leona-san who organize this party for me." Ruggie said on the other side of the door. 'oh so he is learning a speech ok. I guess he will come soon.' i thought. But when i was about to leave i heard my name. "and...i want to thank y/n who made this delicious cake for me... y/n...i know we don't talk too much but...I really...like you...and I want to know more about you...so...will you...go out with me someday?" When Ruggie said these words i automatically started to blush. I didn't know that he is interested in me. That's.....

>-Treys pow-<

'where is she?' i thought still sitting in the corner. Suddenly ruggie came and started to speak. "hello everyone and welcome to my birthday party! Today i am 18 years old now and i want to say a few things before we start celebrating. First i want to give a huge thanks to Leona-san who organize this party for me and...i want to thank y/n who made this delicious cake for me... y/n...i know we don't talk too much but i really like you and i want to know more about you...so will you-" "Yes" suddenly everybody looked at my sister who was smiling. "w-what did you say?" one of the people asked. "i said Yes...I'll go with ruggie on the date." i was confused, why so suddenly? She just went to check Ruggie. What happened while she was on the way?

>-y/n pow-<

That's...so cute from him. "*sigh* i hope it will work...ok time to go on a stage."
When I heard that I quickly hid behind curtain. He opened the door but he suddenly stopped and said "so...what do you think y/n? Will go out with me?" i was shocked how do he know that i listened his speech? "B-but i don't even know you that good a-and..." "and i have a solution" he said, turn, got closer to me and whispered something to my ear. I agreed. So we sat down on his bed and started chatting about favorite food and more.

>-Treys pow-<

"and we agreed to go on the date" she said. I've never been so happy and angry at the same time. I was happy to see that my sister found someone who understands her but on the other side i was angry because that person she found was ruggie. But. I just smiled at her. It was ruggies birthday after all so...he deserves a big gift. I stood up and go to my sisters. "y/n...I've never been so proud in my life." i put my hand on her shoulder and smiled. She smiled too and suddenly ruggie kissed y/n's cheek and said "this deserve a CELEBRATION!" ruggie yelled, everyone started to scream with happiness and stared to celebrate ruggies Birthday. "Thank you y/n." ruggie said. y/n just smiled and kissed him. I smiled and said "you two love birds should go and try that birthday cake over there." i said. They both looked at the cake. While my sister just smiled ruggie rush there and stated to eat diced cake.

Well and end?

Now ruggie and y/n are together. And sometimes i met him in our dorm just talking with my sister or kissing. Heh one day when i needed something from my sister i Caught them in y/n's room doing...well you know what. So they are happy together. Don't worry.


Fuuuu i finally got it 😊 i hope you like it. And just a little reminder requests are still open🧡💛

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