The 3 Friend Arrangement - (Lemon Kinks)

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Recap: [Michael Myers has made HIS return back to the cute little cal de sac of less endangered town when it's without HIM.] [2 Days back was the day Joanna left Haddonfield to get away and break for some time out to herself with Laurie and Eliza, not alerted that soon she'd reunite with Michael.]


Michael stuck by near HIS daughter until she got to her grandmother's front door, trying to be the responsible dad HE should just before getting that need to hitching a car is needingly required to track down where Joanna is.
It was still a light sky, so HE would not be able to kill and instead chooses a specific car in a house's driveway and went over to it's back garden through the back door.

The owner was too into his show on the television to see HIM take the single key off the table for the car without a sound and leaves the same way out, took the car to keep control on the feeling strength that cannot apart HIM from ever not locating her.



I was aware of maybe why are in this part of the states.

I had only been told that it was an 'all I wanted' type of surprise but not been told just what it will be.

I sat on the bed in my temporary suite hotel room that was part of the surprise beneficial theme here, apparently today...Halloween is when it's rolling to work out.
I followed Eliza to here, in Colorado 2 days ago. Laurie hasn't given me any other heads up on why we're all the way this far out of Illinois, just that; whatever this is, I've so called always wished for since it has came into our existences!... Doesn't help me much, but I will play ball.

And I fell into a sunkle nap.

My Dream Sequence:

The prolonging bubble of blanded mist fades from my free view of sighting, in front of my house. The dawned sky was blisting a red shade bloodfest moon that blends with the rooftop like something out a werewolf flick - a full moon.

Howls swarming my ears trying to take over the birdie cheeps.

As I move towards it eerie complexity screams were coming from with inside, going by the block out mumbly effect of sounds of them I was sure that is right??!

They double in volume loudness by each enclosured step I take and don't know what I'll find behind door #1?
I pray to nothing dreadful that'll haunt me for years to come.. But I've never been too lucky, with the lives I have to care for these 8 years and be as it may -- even longer..

Looking to myselves of wear, I was wearing a black leathery jacket, a mid thigh heightened skirt and my light grey knee heel boots though it looked to me that the heel stumps were missing so it flattened to be steadier in my balance. I've never done an all emoticon style in clothes before.. maybe this dream was ideaing me something or I don't know???

No way do I hate the collaborative outcome to what I'm in now and another skeptical scream snaps back my concentration! I should not feel afraid bc of what I am either immortal change on life, but I cannot help in goosebumping my skin with as too - weakness leg caps, causing me to shake under my weight while reaching up to the door to twist the handle.

It wouldn't open with gentle pressure.

No matter how politely I go push against it and decision to do an action movie attempt instead, just out of immaturity of my head to do such a move!...
I took a step off from close-quartery of the door, then filled half my body with a strength which I put into and shot a strong push-kick right into the door to open it up successfully. I still had my training days knowledge from ages before so, it came in handy here!

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