A Lie To Be Taken (Joanna)

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[1 Year Earlier - Back at the house]


When Michael left Joanna, she got back into her clothes without a problem before the Sheriff got inside there and she crawled to a corner pretending to be terrified and scared.

Brackett comes through the room and hears the put-on sobs and thinks they're real.
Aiming to his left and see's her there, then knowing she's safe he goes all the way through the dining room. Pointing the gun everywhere... In every corner! No sign of Michael, so he moves into the kitchen and see's a sink with cutlery in it and a entire floor as a caution slip hazard with water. Then he hears Loomis's voice chatting away outside and goes straight for the outside.
Busts through the doors and in shock sight; Seen Michael just meters from him.

Joanna heard footsteps and click of a gun cloud the sounds as she listened before the steps faded, almost a minute later, she hears a row of gunshots go off... About 6 that she counted, and when she knew that she was alone went searching for the knife. Locating it, she grasped onto the handle then gave herself a nasty shoulder cut with it and returned to the corner again as the blood slowly gushed out of the injury.

She didn't worry about the prints, as Michael's and her own were on the knife and she will explain if the questions come her way of why that is.

[20 Minutes Later]

Ambulance sirens blared towards her home, getting louder per second.

She got to her feet.
Covering the wound with her hand, the pain inflicted was unbearable... Even from the one deep 8 inch slice. The palm of her hand got smothered in blood and felt like she was unable to tolerate it, because she's never cut herself before!

A different officer came in to attend and seen her hurt.
Puts his weapon into it's holster while walking to help her up and asks for a conversation...

{Police Officer and Joanna's Discussion}

Police Officer: "Easy there, ma'am.... Are you ok?" He asks her.

Joanna: "I think so. Just a slash I got here, officer?" She answers back then asks for a name. He did the same afterwards.

Police Officer: "Oh. Uh...Hawkins, Ms?"

Joanna: "Call me, Joy!" Preferred.

Officer Hawkins: "Ok, Ms Joy. Allow me to take a look at the injury?" He asks in concern of the hurt.

Joanna: "Of course!"
Removing her hand from it, he inspects the damage. She asks something else...

Joanna: "Where is the killer man that was in here? Is HE gone?" Hoping positive that HE was.

Officer Hawkins: "No. We got HIM. A doctor gunned HIM down, but still alive....somehow!? And now HE'S being taken to recover before an escort transfers HIM back to Smith's Grove. Don't worry about it, ok? Aah Yes... This is a horrible cut. You may have to be taken to the clinic" He advises.

She died a bit inside when he gave her the news of Michael being shot, but it returned back when he said an extra part about HIM still being alive from the wounds.

Joanna: "So, is HE ok?" She asks and acts like she doesn't care, but deeply does.

Officer Hawkins: "Unfortunately yes. But HE is really dangerous. That is Michael Myers! Patient: 82201 of the Smith's Grove Country Sanitarium. The man has no thoughts or apologies for taking the lives of others! Murdering HIS sister at 6 years old and killing another 13 people from then to now while in captivity over the years! And somehow escaped it without no holdbacks from the institution's security.
You're lucky to be still breathing, Ms Joy" He said with care.

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