A Slaughter Awakening (Michael Myers)

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[Halloween Afternoon] - [1979]


Time was ticking very quickly to reaching the night.

Being 3pm inside Haddonfield Memorial Hospital, rests the Boogeyman HIMSELF.

Attended by a self-thought Nurse called Janet, she was authorised to keep watch and serve the Evil human Shape while HE got back to being fully alive from a devastating gun down encounter with HIS psychiatrist and doctor; Samuel Loomis.

It was silent as being deaf....almost, in that hospital room then was loudly interrupted by Budd; A non-stop horny paramedic, who broke the peacefulness just to tell her about his little intimacy scheme tonight with one of the other nurses. She didn't care about his ways and excused it all together!

Seconds later is when the danger grew...
Michael had awoken from a year's coma and was listening to what Budd said and Janet hoped for.
HE remained completely still as a statue with HIS eyes open, taking in HIS position for a minute.

Michael's Mind: "This looks familiar. Bright lights, different clothes, soft bed and beeping... I'm in a hospital!"

HE hears the feline just chat away, looking at HIM and He knew it so HE didn't sit up and seen it was still daylight too... Which meant that there's loads in the hospital and HE'D have to do the one thing that HE'S best at; Wait...

HE lies there just waiting for evening time.

[Around 5:30pm and dusk has come and gone]

Eventually Janet calls it to go for her lunch, leaving everything she used behind on the chair beside the one she sat in and closed the door.

The second HE heard Janet leave is when HE sit's up, sat on the edge and looks around the whole room. The lighting was dim, a dark corner was instantly identified to be a hiding spot, then HE gazed down upon a few things on the chair.

HE pulled out the monitor detected piece from HIS forearm, got off the bed, walked towards the items and scanned them all over... To see which one is murdering material. There wasn't much to use. HE picked up the pulsing tester and immediately knew what could be done with it!
Accepting that, as a weapon, HE turned towards the door, opening it and checking both sides... Which were clear, before moving back to the bed, setting up the condition to make it look like HE was still lead down and then leaves permanently' shutting the door behind HIM and wonders around the hospital, from room to room without being noticed.

Michael had a first target, which was Janet.
Who was returning back from her lunch heading HIS way. Stopping in HIS tracks when hearing footsteps from around the corner, to HIS right side was the adult surgery room. Not that HE cared which room HE went in... Pushing the door open to go inside, shuts it and waits for the steps to get louder, and they do. Janet passes by the door HE went through and heard something fall, getting her to spin her focus to the ruckus and shouts...

Janet: "Hello? Dr Mixter?"
Because the window to see in was kinda blank, peeping through the glass and seen that a tray of sharp merch was all over the floor but she didn't see anyone and became curious...

Janet: "How'd that happen?" Knocking twice to be sure, she goes inside and straight for the mess to the clean it up... Yet, didn't check behind the door itself as Michael was there! HE slowly closed the door without a sound that it had been done, moves up to her back, with the pulser ready and wraps it around her cervix while holding the squeeze pressuring device and starts tightening the airing strap that was on her and HE was preventing it from coming loose. Constantly pumping the device until HE could no longer do so, and she was failing to breathe at all as well as going purple very fast.

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