ACT TWO-Scene Two: The Call

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"Alright God damn it..." silence drops over the eight of us as Knox calls Chris. Neil was leaning on Todd's shoulder. Our pinkies are intertwined.
Knox hangs up the phone and leans on the wall with a grin on his face. "She invited me to a party." His grin widens. "Yea at Chet Danbury's house." Says Charlie. Knox looks at him. "Yea so?" Charlie scoffs. "You can't possibly think that she means she wants you to go to the party with her." Knox rolls his eyes. "Well of course not Charlie but that's not the point! That's not the point at all!" Charlie asks him what the point is. "The point is... Charlie... that she was thinking about me." We laugh. "We had only just met and she was going to call me!" He practically skips away and we all laugh at the love struck teen. Todd tugs my hand and nods to the door. I smile as he takes me to the door. "Todd where y'a going!" Neil calls. He shrugs and we run out the door.

"Poor Knox is going to get his little heart broken." Todd says as we walk down the street. It's chilly out and I can see my breath. "Who knows. Maybe Chris will come to her senses on Friday." Todd shrugs. "I hope so for Knox's sake." He nods and moves closer to me. "It's freaking freezing out here!" He shivers. "Wasn't this your idea?" I laugh. He nods. "Wanna go to the cave?" I nod and he smiles.

We get into the cave and start a fire. He sits beside me and holds my hand. I kiss him on the cheek and his cheeks turn bright red. He looks away. I smile and put my head on his shoulder. "We should have brought marshmallows..." he says quietly. I nod. "That would've been great. We hear footsteps coming into the cave we jump. "YOU GUYS ARE DATING!" It was Charlie Dalton. He sits his ass right between me and Todd. He puts his arms around the two of us and pulls us into an awkward huddle. We look at him like are you serious? Charlie is of course oblivious. Todd and I look at eachother. We get up as Charlie rambles. He takes my hand and whispers. "Come on, let's go for a walk." I smile and he leads me out of the cave.

After our second walk of the night we hunker down in Todd's dorm. Neil Perry comes in. "Hey guys!" He says. I smile and say hi. So does Todd. He lays on the bed that I am sitting on, on his stomach with his Chie resting in the palms of his hands, he's scissor kicking his feet. "Soooo where'd you two run off to?" Todd chuckles. "We went for a walk but it was cold so we went to the cave s-so I could practice reading in front of p-people." Neil nods. Totally not buying it. "Correct me if I have the completely wrong idea here but are you two dating?" I look at Todd and he speaks. "Um yea we are." He smiles and Neil smiles wider. "Oh thank god." He looks at me. "His crush on you was suuuuuuper embarrassing." Todd puts his hand over his friends mouth. "Shut uuuuuup." We all laugh.

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