One step, Change's everything

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Killua's POV :

Why do my other siblings always play with the villagers kids, its not like they seem special.. Its scary outside. I though laying in bed, I never knew what a tree felt like or standing on grass and land, somethings about me is.. Weird., I stood up and looked at the mirror, my skin is pale, I looked at the window like usually watching, one of the Butlers came in and saw me staring. "Killua, your Mother told me to bring you downstair to talk. " the Butler says bowing, I just nodded and keep looking at the window as the Butler closed it, I sighed and didnt think about it much, I put on my crown and brushed my hair, I opened the door and the sun was really hating me rn, what ever. I got downstairs and looked at my mother waiting for my Appreance, "hello mother.. " I said looking down, ".. Dear killua, you should really try to go outside and talk to some people like your siblings, seeing you like this makes me dissapointed.. " kikyo said, "mother.i already told you i don't like going outside and talking to people! " i yelled, "how dare you raise ur voice at ur mother.. Go to your room now, and please try to communicate with somebody as soon as possible.. " kikyo said pointing upstairs, "tch, just keep telling me that and i wont listen at all. " i said and stormed upstairs, why would she want me to go outside and communicate?, its like nothing special, !, i frowned, i stood up and watched the window to cure my boredness, untill i saw him. Him.. He was smiling and helping people, my eyes lit up as soon as i saw him, who was he?.. I want to know more about him!, but how?, im afraid to go outside.. I keep staring at the boy as he was playing with my siblings too. He was shorter than me I can tell it by just looking at him,.. I really wanna go outside but im scared. Then my mother saw me staring at the window while my eyes lit up and my face was amazed, "hm?, you found something interesting outside? " kikyo asked killua, "not exactly.. a person.. " I said looking down, I though my mother would force me to go outside but this time she said something different that made me comfortable with her. "Killua, I know its hard to communicate with people, but.. You cant just stay like this, your father and I are very worried of you. Its like ur in a down dungeon, and I see.. Im sorry for forcing you for the last years. I just didnt know how you felt. But.. Please do try to talk and go outside. " , I stared at her, I began to cry in her arms the first time I cried.. , "i-im sorry.. Im just not confident enough to go outside and scared.. " I said, she just smiled and cared my hair, "go outside whenever you want.. " kikyo said, I smiled and she left the room.., when I looked at the window, he was gone.?, that boy.. I want too.. I want to meet him and touch his hair. Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the interesting day Ever that happened on my life..

- Killua woke up the next day.

I took process to realize that I was alive and not dead, AND I WAS ALIVE HAHAHAH- ok sorry ill write the actual one -

I woke up into an alarm that was set up at 6 am, I feel not good today.. and have a bad feeling that I will get judged.. the maid helped me get ready and I was looking pretty good-, I got downstairs and was kinda excited, "mother, im going outside" I walked downstairs, "YOU ARE GOING WHAT!?, OH MY THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY!, UHM!, GUARDS TAKE THE HORSES AND TOUR KILLUA INTO THE VILLAGE!, " kikyo said hurrying the guards its like I was the New king or smth, I only wanted to explore the outside-, Well atleast I get to meet the boy, the guards was ready and my mom wanted to be with me for support.. My mom was outside of the door waiting for me to get outside, "u-uhmm.. Do we just walk outsi- WOAHH!!! " I yelled, kikyo was pulling Killua outside and Killua felt it. He was in paradise ., w-what is this feeling.. It feels weird also great. "So!?, how do u feel dear!! " kikyo said, I was dumb founded, and closed my eyes bcs the sum was too bright but kikyo said to open gently and I opened my eyes, "woah.. " I said. Mother then pulled me into a horse and she rided one, I was confused on how to use it too, I heard one of the guards yelled and the horses started running to the village was so scares and held into the leash and tucked down, mother was laughing on how I was reacting and I blushed on Embarassment, I soon gone up and tried to keep my balance and arrived at the village, it looks very pretty than it was when I was back at the castle.. , but I didnt see the pretty boy that I loved. The guards started to talk about me and I was getting pretty bored waiting bcs I just wanted to see the boy, I heard Whispering at the crowd , was I getting judged?.. And when the guards said my Name everyone was screaming and throwed flowers.. WHERE TF DID THEY GET FLOWE-, anyways.. I was smiling and waving, and the boy got out of the house hearing the crowd and closed his eyes and ears like he was much afraid of the crowd and he looked cute while doing that , then everyone bowed, I was confused why they were doing that for a prince. It was finally silent., I came down from that stupid ass bit- sweet horse and started to talk to Children's, they were really happy to see me. Why didnt I do this before?, the boy was looking at me and was day dreaming, I looked at him and felt my body shiver, I smiled nervously and waved at him, he waved back with a smile too, I excused the Children's and walked up to him, "h-hi.. Whats ur name? " I asked, "ah my Name!, its gon!, gon freecs, its nice to meet you kil? Lua? " gon said smiling, "its Killua, and gon is a very pretty name for a cute boy like you. " I said, he blushed and looked away while puffing his cheeks, "w-well... I do not often see you in the village or anything, but why dont you show urself? " gon said , "uhm, reasons.. But its pretty nice out here. Theres tons of nice people and Children's, " I said looking at the Children's, "well im glad you decided to go to this village! " gon said raising his arm up, mother was looking at me excited that I was talking to a villager person, she decided to walked up to gon, "ah!, your majesty!, im sorry I didnt see you there! " gon bowed quickly , "oh its fine dear child!, you and Killua look so cute together! " she smiled, gon got flustered and blushed a deep red, "i-is that so your majesty.. " gon said, I was blushing too looking at my mother concerned, "ill leave you two alone, have fun dear Children's! " kikyo left and started helping some villagers, me and gon was in complete silent, "well.. Since I never seen you before... do you want cookies?, I made it myself! " gon asked, "sure, I love cookies" I said smiling, he went inside to get some cookies and handed me one, it was really good and soft, "this cookie taste amazing!, how did u make this? " I said eating the cookie, "well, its not that hard!, I though a prince would never love my bakings, speaking about that I love to bake!, " gon said, "well these are amazing and you should keep baking, from now on ill visit ur house everyday! " I said, he smiled , "Killua!, im sorry to ruin ur time with ur future husband but we have to get going now! " kikyo said, I blushed and ran "i-im coming!! " and the day was pretty good.


Thanks for visiting! !, just a reminder that you are beautiful! <3, and the next chapter will be.. The Royal invitation!, it leads to gon!, what will happen? Keep scrolling!

Words : 1405

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