the curse upon the mountains! (2)

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Killua's POV :

"Hey it's rlly cold here.. " kalluto said. I guess he does have a point., we started to sneeze a lot and I realized that gon's aunt packed some sweaters, "hey here's one" I said and tossed it to kalluto

Ok now we're doing fine, "is it just me or is it snowing..? " kalluto asked, I looked at the sky and HOLY SHIT IT WAS SNOWING, I swear that it was sunrise not long ago., I guess I'll have to deal with it.

Gon's POV :

J was still reading books since I had nothing to do now. when is killua going to be home I miss him already., It's boring without him.,

"Hey gon what are you whining about? " alluka asked, I got surprised and knocked over the book shelf, "HEY!, what's with you today -? " alluka catched me, "ah!, I'm sorry I don't know! " I said and stood up again, alluka excused herself and I was left alone, why am I so clumsy today.., I sighed and got back to killua's room, it's not like anything is gonna happen now. I do feel sick tho, Someone is knocking on the door I wonder who is it., I opened the door and I saw killua's mother, I bowed smiling , "gon, something is not normal about you.., Mind telling me what is bothering you? " she asked, I was shocked at first but then , "no, I'm fine really!, no need to worry! " I said, she smiled and nodded,

I layed on the bed thinking about nothing, I peeked at the window and maybe I can visit the village again, I got dressed and headed down stairs, "gon where are you going? " alluka asked, "I'm going to the village to uhm.. meet my aunt! Yeah! " I said and I rushed outside, Well I didn't really had the urge to go outside but. I guess it sort of calmed me down, I came down to the village and like usually I said hello to people with a smile, I walked with a smile and I sort of felt like some people was following me. But I'm not sure who is it. I didn't keep that on my mind and just continued walking my way,

it was getting uncomfortable on the feeling. it's just like someone is watching and following at the same time which scares me.., I stopped when a person stood up in front of me and when I looked at my back, the person was gone, I'm guessing it's these guy, "hey little guy, mind handing me some money or you would like a beating. " he said with a smirk, I guess he doesn't know that I mastered something., I smiled brightly "listen you little shits I don't have any money on me right now, but if you would like we can maybe do a 3 v 1,how about that? " I said turning my bright smile into a evil smile, "awh!, look at the little guy thinking he would win IN YOUR FACE! " they laughed and charged an attack and I happily dodged it, "now.we can gladly start. " I said, they kept on throwing attacks over and over I was getting pretty bored on dodging it, I put my foot upfront and they all slipped on my foot, I grabbed some garbage can and took of the top, "GET READY TO PLAY SOME GAMES! " I yelled out loud and threw the garbage cans into their faces and started hitting it with the garbage lid, it was getting pretty fun and I decided to do something more, I grabbed some sharp things and tied it with a rope I found and there a personal knife!, that's cool, I made 3 of those and threw it to them, "thanks for playing! " I said happily, I stopped when I noticed the whole village has saw me, oh no.. I'm in big trouble!

Killua's POV :

too cold.., wait!, I see the outside! I think, I dragged kalluto and WTF THERE IS A GIANT SNOW BEAR CRAZY BUNNY EARS WTF,.. "Oi kalluto open your eyes" I said and he opened he saw it and screamed, I sighed and the bear with bunny ears growled so loud, "okay you bear thingy!, let's get into a fight! " I said even tho I was sure I was rlly scared now.

I grabbed a rope and tied a knot, "hey kalluto, I need your help this time. Grab on into the edge and I'll climb up the bear with bunny ears thing, " I grabbed the rope and quickly ran trying to dodge the bears attacks and not trying to get hurt, I successfully climbed up and got his mouth on the knot, "KALLUTO PULL THE ROPE! " I yelled out loud and he quickly pulled it and I knocked out the bear with a flick of my fingers, I got off and brushed some snow off of my head, "you are kind of smart even rho you spend your whole life in a empty room and never going out again and you barely talked or even cried when you were born neither hugging our parents! " kalluto said, "shut up and let's get going. " I said, that really didn't made me happy.

-after they walked for almost 2 hours-

"WAH!, I SEE THE SUNRISE! " kalluto said and ran, I followed him and he was right, I quickly took of my sweater and put on my hood, I guess we almost arrived at our destination.. the dungeon of swirls.., god saying that makes my stomach swirls-,

We were down from the big mountain and we took a rest near a big cave, "we only have 5 packs of bread and cheese and some animals that we hunted, I'll try making something good to last for our journey" kalluto said, I nodded and continued to find some woods, I grabbed woods and started making a fire to warm us up. it is cold when it's night, and it's done. "Woah that looks so good! " I said as I sniffed it, it does look appetizing!, I grabbed plastic utensils and started eating, I looked up to the stars and it reminded me gon's smile. I can't wait to meet him soon..,

-after a few minutes on eating-

I washed the utensils with water that we picked up from the mountain, and drinked some, I checked the fire if it was still running and it still does. "Hey you should get some sleep" kalluto asked, "yeah you go first I'm gonna do something real quick" I said and he nodded, I took a look at the sky, it was very beyond pretty..





Heyaa!!,  lol haven't updated very long and I finally got the movitation to do it, now they finally reached their journey into the dungeon of swirls! Good luck to both of them

Words : 1140

𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦'𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨...✵(killugon) Where stories live. Discover now