Chapter 1

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It had been about 3 months since the party, and 2 and a half since I had last talked to Clarke. I was honestly too embarrassed to even say his name. After the utter humiliation of that night I felt like I never even wanted to see him ever again.

Also, about a week after the party, I finally got a college acceptance letter; Simmons College. It wasn't my first choice, or even my second, but it was the one that said yes. It was a quiet little college, around 6,000 students as a whole. It had a nice pond area on the further outskirts of campus and a food court in the student activities center that brought the town mall to shame.

My mom was seemingly more excited about me getting into a college than I was. She couldn't wait to get me out of the house, so much so that she signed me up for early enrollment. Early enrollment was basically me spending two weeks on campus before the semester actually began.

After my mom dropped me off on campus, I was met at the gate by a student guide, who told me which way to go to get checked in at. I walked through the brick paved quad, passing by quaint little food places and cool looking coffee shops. There were also huge, beautiful, cobblestone castle-esque buildings, which are where I assumed the classes would be held. I had passed a few people, students presumably, no more than 50, who had also been on campus. Some of them were playing Frisbee or football, and some were reading under the big oak trees. There was also an extravagant fountain that had SIMMONS engraved on it.

After about 15 minutes, I had finally seen a big blue and black banner that said check in. I found myself in a section of tables with multiple lines, (only about 4 people in each. As I approached the lines, one of the wheels on my suitcase got caught on a loose brick and I dropped most of my stuff.

"Ahh fuck," I groaned to myself.

"Oh don't worry, I got you," I heard a voice say.

"Thanks," I said as I bent down to get my things. "The stupid brick snatched my wheel," I started to explain.

"I know, I saw," the guy said as we finished gathering the last bit of stuff.

I looked up at him and lost my breath. He was probably the most beautiful being I have ever seen. My gaze was met by the most magnificently blue eyes that shimmered as if they were professionally glossed. His jawline looked like Zeus had Fed-Ex'd it straight from Mount Olympus. He had long, wavy, dark brown hair that flawlessly flowed down to grace his shoulders. I went to thank him again as he helped me up and handed me the rest of my things and almost couldn't find the words to speak.

"Here you go," he said, his voice suddenly sounding dreamier than before.

"Are you checking in?" he asked, "Because I can help you with that over here."

"Thanks," I said, yet again, as I followed him to the only line that was empty. "I'm Jessica, by the way. Jessica James."

"Hey, Jessica. I'm Jeffrey Dean," he said, pointing to a name tag. did I not notice that? I thought to myself.

It took him only about two minutes to find my name in his binder.

"Ethereal House, 252 Howard Lane, is where you're at," Jeffrey informed me.

"Cool. Can you tell me where that is?" I asked.

"Even better," he said with a grin that made my knees go weak, "I can show you."

"Huh?" I questioned with a puzzled look.

"We're dorm mates."

Dear God, I know I don't talk to you often but whatever I have done to deserve this, you can be insured that I will keep doing it.

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