Chapter 7

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I heard the door open as I stepped out of the shower, and I turned my head and saw a girl step in. I quickly covered myself with my hands, as I scurried over to the rack where I had put my towel.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry," the girl exclaimed.

I assured her it was fine as I quickly wrapped my towel around myself.

"You can open your eyes now," I said to her.

I saw her slide open her fingers, and peak out the cracks to check if it were safe.

"Whew," she exclaimed as she finally dropped her hands from in front of her face.

"I'm Violet," the girl said to me, reaching out her hand.

I could tell where she had gotten her name from: she had these beautiful purple eyes that were delicately lined and adorned with a sharp wing. She had a wonderful head of big, bouncy brown hair. She pale skin had a bit of a tint to it that I just wrote off as her having a bit of color in her. She also had a cute button nose and pretty round lips, perfectly painted a bright, vibrant red.

We talked for a little, while I finished getting ready. Violet gave off a bit of a shy vibe, and seemed kind of timid. She was funny though, in the accidentally awkward, not-really-trying sort of way. I found out that she was a journalism major, like I was.

I finished in the bathroom, told Violet I'd see her later, and went back to my room on the third floor to get dressed. As I started to go down the stairs to await any other new arrivals, I stopped on the second floor. I had seen Jeffrey standing in his doorway, and heard him talking to somebody who was on the inside. I started to make my way over to him, and I guess he heard me coming, because he turned around and greeted me before I even got to him.

He put his left arm around me, and used his right hand to point into the room. In there was a guy with his back toward me as he was crouched down, unpacking things out of suitcases and boxes.

"Jess, I'd like you to meet Adrian, my best friend from home. Adrian this is the girl I was telling you about."

I smiled at this, because of the fact that he was talking about me. It made me think even more that I had an actual chance with this one. We hung out a lot in the past two weeks, when he wasn't with Clarke, but I was never sure if it was leading anywhere or if he was just being friendly.

"Hi, Adrian," I said nicely, trying to live up to my assumed good impression Jeffrey had made of me.

"Hey. Jessica, right?" Adrian said as he stood up and faced me.

It honestly took me a second to gather the words to respond. Adrian was fucking gorgeous! He had long, luscious hair that was the same light shade of brown as his eyes. His smile illuminated his face, making his perfectly tan skin glow even brighter. I didn't mind the mild spots of eczema on his face, or the fact that he was only about an inch or so taller than me, because his voice was enough to make me go weak. The way he spoke was soft, with a mild Hispanic accent.

I went downstairs to the first floor after welcoming Adrian and another girl, Ariana, who was another journalism major. Ariana was about average height, with skin the color of chocolate and sparkly eyes that looked like a night's sky. She also smelled like Victoria's Secret perfume, Love Spell, I believe. Her hair was dark and shoulder-length, and she spoke with a very subtle accent, one that sounded like a mix between a New York accent and a Bostonian accent, but it had a bit of a Spanish flare to it. I introduced her to Violet, guessing they'd have at least something to talk about, seeing as how they shared the same major.

I turned and saw Clarke talking to two guys and a girl, all wearing glasses. I managed to overhear that the taller of the two boys was named Lathan, and the other one was Liam, and that the girl was named Melody. Lathan was tall, tan, and handsome, and had short black hair. Liam was a bit darker than Lathan, and had curly hair that was cut low on the top, and shaved on the sides. Melody was short, shorter than me actually, but that's not what I noticed first. What really first noticed was how big her chest was, and how her butt was even bigger. Her pale face was adorned with a full set of lips and bright round eyes, and her dirty blonde hair was tied up into a messy bun.

I walked into the kitchen to take a quick break from all that was going on, and saw Violet in there, sitting at the table, having a conversation with Ariana, who was in the fridge. I asked her to pass me a bottle of water as I sat down across from Violet. Ariana joined us at the table and we all got to talking. We discussed where we came from, our siblings and such. I found out that Violet was an only child, to a white mom and a half black dad, who grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ariana's parents had split when she was young, and she lived with her mom and stepdad, and her two little brothers in Boston.

As I was telling them about my mom and dad, and how I had an older brother and my mom had just given birth a couple of years ago, I heard Jeffrey come down the stairs, and another set behind his, assumingly Adrian's. I heard them get acquainted with the new roommates. I saw Ariana stretch her neck out to see them, opened her mouth, and with a dreamy look in her eyes said, "OOOOO who's that?"

I looked at her up and down with a look that read of both disgust and offense, but only for a second.

Before I could get myself back together, Violet answered her for me, thirst clearly. "That's Jeffrey. He's in his junior year of being a cinematography major."

"Yeah well I know a video I'd like him to shoot," Ariana said with a straight face. Violet and I gave out a little giggle. Mine, however, was fake.

We got our conversation back on track, and I tried to shake off what had just happened. Even though I wasn't sure on where my relationship with Jeffrey stood, I wasn't going to let anybody stand in my way and fuck up my chances of getting with him.

For the next 4 minutes the whole house was bustling. Ariana, Violet and I were talking in the kitchen, sipping on glasses of wine from a bottle that Ariana pulled out of one of her bags, while Clarke and Jeffrey were talking to the other roommates and showing them around to the rooms. Adrian walked through the kitchen while we were talking and our eyes met for a second. He then turned to Ariana and they excitedly greeted each other, giving one another a hug and kiss on the cheek before Adrian went back out into the corridor.

"You know Adrian?" I asked her.

"Yeah," Ariana said, "for a few years now. We went to the same elementary school, then we dated in like sixth or seventh grade."

"Really?" Violet sounded shocked as she asked. "What a big coincidence that you guys also ended up at the same college! And in the same dorm too!" I noticed that Violet was a lot looser now than she was earlier when I had first encountered her. I chalked it up to her being on her third glass of Pinot.
"Yeah, I guess." Ariana replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Her and I were bound to run back into each other at some point."
"She and I," Violet corrected her.

"Don't be that person, please," Ariana shot back.

It took me a minute to realize what they had just said, and as I finished a sip, I asked, "Wait did you guys just say 'she'?"

"Yeah...what about it?" Ariana sounded confused.

"So Adrian's not a guy...?" I clarified.

"No girl," Ariana said with a chuckle. "She's one of the hottest studs in Boston."

"Wait, so you're a..." Violet asked, trying to say something without saying it.

"Bisexual, yes." Ariana answered, cutting her off.

"Wait, I'm confused. So you used to date Adrian, but you don't know who Jeffrey is? They're best friends," I informed her.

"Well they must've met after we graduated middle school," Ariana dismissed it.

It was about 5 o'clock now, and I started to think that nobody else was coming. That was until, she walked in the door.

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