Antecedent 11

287 11 15

A/N so this chapter is a little bit shorter just while I figure out my next move, that and it's been a loooooong day. Hopefully it's okay and isn't just one long ramble. 💖


I couldn't turn back. Desperately rushing through the trees as Charlie called out our location to those who would hear, I kept telling myself to only look forwards. The sight of Roger's bloodied and feeble squirming body was etched into the back of my eyelids but I knew even if he was alive, it wouldn't be the case for much longer. Guilt overthrew me to the point of feeling the sick feeling return in my gut and while I would take pleasure in relieving the contents from what Tinker had given me, this was neither time nor place. If there was any chance of saving Roger it wasn't through stupidity. It would be through back up, armed back up at that. An official cop would be ideal in that case but once again fate wasn't kind or fair as I knew from what I had been informed there was only Charlie in the area. Pushing through the branches and darting ahead, I narrowly avoided a log which swung down from the shelter of the tree it awaited on and set off a bear trap as I jumped over it. There was no time to stop and scan everything, I knew what was on the line and didn't want to lose my freedom or be at the mercy of the Sawyers again. Both Tink and Tex's threats rattled in my mind as I became more desperate trying to pick a direction.
A body part, a tooth...I didn't wish to know or feel what either man would opt for as punishment for breaking free at the first chance I got. My heart thudded and pounded, joining in with the rumble of a distant chainsaw, the yell of Charlie as he declared that he got one. Mentally, I apologised to Roger focusing on picking a direction from the wooden labyrinth that surrounded me. I was unsure how many Sawyers were on the prowl and while in part I was grateful it also left a horrifying feeling spiking in my chest, without a headcount there was more uncertainty to just what way I could go and what could bring the smallest bit of attention. This was their domain, not mine and there could be worse than traps. Darting around a few more trees, I felt the burn of a stitch coming into my side as I halted reluctantly to breathe. Tiring myself out before even seeing any of them seemed foolish. I would practically be handing myself over. Placing a hand against the stump of the oak I had reached, I inhaled sharply through my nose trying to assure myself to calm down and concentrate. I no longer knew which way the road was and while I was certain I had gone forwards the panic of possibly going around in circles and returning to the Sawyer residence threw me off guard. I had no clue where I was.
"Breathe." I instructed myself breathlessly hunching over to give my still strained leg some support. Inhaling deeply and releasing it again, my hand curled into a fist trying to find and keep my determination as I straightened up and looked around and even upwards to see if scaling upwards would be an option. Along the branches, a thin silver line gleamed and connected like a cat's cradle trap. "Tinker..." I wasn't at all surprised he had eradicated the option of climbing upwards to have a vantage point. "Goddamn you all..." GrudginglyI had to accept that perhaps the Sawyer's were more intelligent that I had given them credit for.  Tink of course I hadn't doubted but even the others must have played some part in opening this demented track for runaway victims. Taking in another deep breath, I nodded to myself. If I couldn't go up then all I had was going forwards on the path I had chosen and remaining aware. I took a step before jolting violently as the sound of a snapping tree branch not too far back. It was all I needed to race off again.
Leaves rustled, another twig snapping and footsteps.
Jumping over the next log of the hurdle, I flinched as I landed heavily and caught myself in time before landing on a long coil of wire. Swearing under my breath I tried to keep my volume down as I stretched over it carefully. One scream, a cry of pain and they'd be on it like the predators they were. Whoever was currently on my trail though was remaining verbally silent but coming ever closer. Struggling to remain calm, I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned at the sound of footsteps and quickly burrowed myself under the shadow of the tree closest to me. Tucking myself in, I kept my head down at the sight of Tink barging ahead. Freezing for a moment, he inspected the trap I had a near miss with and hummed lowly to himself.
"Smart girl..." He mumbled to himself scratching the side of his tanned face before I ducked back in as he rose from his knees and turned. Forcing a hand over my mouth I refused to let a sound leave my lips and kept my back to the trunk trying to listen intently to each and every movement he made. "But how far can you get missy? Not far at all. No one knows this place better than me." I didn't doubt him for a moment and side stepped around the tree as his movement became closer and more audible. Rounding it quietly with delicate steps of toe before heel, I kept my fingers pressed tightly over my lips feeling them dig into the barely healing cut and releasing hot and fresh blood from the pressure.  Telling myself to ignore it and focus only on Tink, I halted once more.
Keep going, please keep going.
Begging mentally, I gave a small breath of reassurance when his small examinations left and became quieter. While I cursed that he had taken the route that I had intended to, I knew which way to avoid with him ahead. Removing my hand, I desperately eyed up my options and retreated over the log and trap. Even if I went left there was still a high chance of bumping into the hook handed man and while Junior was also lurking around someplace I felt only a little less secure being away from the older Sawyer. This felt like the only option and with every second I wasted arguing with myself, capture was inevitable. I persisted onwards brushing a loose lock of auburn hair behind my ear. I was going slower now, I could feel it and while I knew it was to be precautious I knew that fear also played a part in it. What they would do to me if they found me I knew would pale in comparison to what they had physically already done. It was something that was etching itself clearer in my mind. Unsure of what options and direction I had left to try and secure my freedom. I couldn't just give up. My nose wrinkled as I took in a scent and against better judgement I followed it into a small clearing of water.
A Lake, here?
My eyes widened in horror as I caught sight of something bobbing up and down in the murky depths and recoiled once more, capturing my scream with a hand. It was no lake, it was a bog and Alfredo's 'disposal duty' as Tex had explained it was before me. The head was not alone and it wasn't only that. Arms, legs, unrecognisable and unwanted parts. My stomach squeezed as the sickly acidic feeling burned hard at my sides. The stench invaded my nostrils and forced myself to try and contain my gagging. My hand did little to prevent it from coming up and rising. Hunching over I removed my hand and released the contents onto the patches of grass and coughed before retching once more. The stench, the sight, the knowing that even my own friends could be in there. I couldn't handle it. Stumbling back from the mess I had made, I lifted a quivering hand to my mouth and wiped it with the sleeve of the jacket unsure of what my next move was. My attention was still on the limbs unable to break my attention as I remained backing away, my back hitting against something firm. Something firm and...
"Fuck!" I gasped in recognition that it was not a tree I had collided with. Jumping instantly as my mind processed a person, I tried to rush forwards before being forced back and choking against the tight grip that took my neck and hair. Trying to scream got me nowhere as it registered in my mind what was happening.
"Told you I would choke you with my belt sweetheart." Tex breathed furiously from behind as I tried to reach and pull against the material, able to feel his metal buckle pressing down against my throat as he panted in my ear. "Now just where did you think you were going?" My vision blurred and spun, legs failing as I buckled onto my knees, he kicked against them to make me into more of a laying down position and draped himself against my back. I tried to fight it with my elbows but he was stronger and heavier. "What did I say about trying to run from me now, huh?" My hands failed to relinquish a grip on his belt. My breath was failing to release but I was aware of my body being pressed down further until it was more than my knees in the dirt. He was going to suffocate me. "Who was that you ran away with?" He asked, unable to keep back the sourness of his tone. "Didn't you say you were a taken lady or is that what you do now? First person that looks at you, you just run off with? Look how that turned out for you. Bet you're really sorry now." Pressure went into my back as I felt my eyes beginning to fall heavy, my body crumbling. "You stay with me one way or another. You make it hard, I will fight harder. You hear me? I fight back harder and I make it painful for you. Maybe that's what you like, huh sweetheart, you like it rough? Well that's okay, I like a bit of pain, I can give that to you."" My nails dug into the softness of the mud and grass as I tried to pull myself from him. Pulling back my head with ease he halted me in my tracks, I felt the warmth of his nose against my cheek, the feel of his wide and spread grin as he panted his words. "Two options now Lori, remember what they were? Apologise or pass out though I will tell you I'm not feeling too forgiving after this but it doesn't mean you can't try. Maybe if you prove you're sorry then we can talk about this later. So how about it Lori, how sorry are you? Show me." Gasping in desperation I took in his request as I failed to get an advantage. I knew what was coming and with the only strength I had left I moved my fingers once more, coiling four and lifting the last hearing him chuckle with glee. "You're in for a world of pain Missy, just you wait. You and your little friend back there." Feeling a tug on my hair and my neck, my eyes closed as I felt the unconsciousness drifting and taking over me.

Antecedent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now