After protecting Dabi from certain death it costs you a critical hit on your chest.
Dabi however isn't ready to give up on you, after all you used to be his. He races back to the hideout in a desperate attempt to save you, but with the snow falling...
You could feel his body shaking as he carries you in his arms you were unsure if it was due to the cold of the snow or the fact that he just might be feeling scared. Not that he ever showed any signs of fear, but after what had happen an hour ago you saw an expression on his face that you had never seen before. "Dabi....i...." You tried to mumble to him. "Shhhh dont talk were almost there, just hang on alittle longer" Dabi tells you. You could hear the sound of his footsteps crunching in the snow as he picks up the pace, but deep down inside you knew it will be too late. After all, you had a deep wound in your chest with blood spilling out of your mouth and it was all Endeavors fault
"D-dabi....." You gripped his shoulder and buried your face into his chest. "I told you not to speak, i already had called for backup there be here soon" He holds on to your body closer to him, he turns his head around to look behind him, it was faint but he could see a bright orange flame in the distances headed there way. He stopped to catch his breath and looked down at you. "I'm sorry......I should of---" You first try to say when suddenly dabi interrupts you. "Should of what? Not protected me! Damn it! I told you i can handle myself! So why, why did you do it! Why the hell did you protect me?" There was a moment of silence when you finally said the words you had been wanting to tell him for so long. "Its because.....its because...i love you dabi" Ever since Dabi had told you the same 3 little words many years ago, you were confused. You were unsure if he was joking or if he was serious. So you kept your distance from him, trying so hard not to fall in love with him. But the more you spend your time with him, the more you tried not to love him, you only ended loving him even more and when you finally discovered that Dabi was secretly your childhood friend Toya, the boy you encourage to never give up on his dreams and to secretly help him train his quirk. You realize that you loved him this whole time without realizing it. Dabi's eyes widen "I....i love you....I love you so much that i can barely stand it, i..a-always wanted to be by your side, even when we were k-kids" Dabi falls to knees as you started to cry. "Do you remember....the first day we met?...Y-you were crying like a child, and all i wanted to do was wrap my arms around y-you and hold you close to make you feel better." You started to cough up more blood "Hey! I said dont tal---" "Those nights when you felt so alone, when you felt like t-the world was against you, to even when n-natsu didnt want to talk to came to me and....and when we finally met said you wanted me to be yours, sure i...i was a hostage at that time but i'm....i'm glad...that you corrupted me, because i would of never know...that y-you were alive..this whole t-time" You placed your hand of his cheek, "No matter what happens to me you must---" "Just shut up! Shut up already DAMN IT! Dont you dare say anything else, where going back together I wont let you die! You hear me!" You felt blood drip onto your face, you look up to see Dabis eyes dripping with red blood as if he was crying. "You've never done that....dabi, I think this is the first time...t-that I've seen you cry as a grown man" "You were always such an idiot even as a kid, but you were the only one who ever encourage me, the only one who believed that I could surpass that damn retired hero, you never left my side or cast me away. You were always there for me whenever I needed you. And I still need you So please, don't leave me don't you fuckin dare leave me!" More Blood falls from his eyes, his face with now streaming with red tears. You smile at him as you caress his cheek you wipe some blood off his face licking his blood off your thumb. You could hear the sound of pro heros in the distance. "I will never leave you dabi I will always be by your side watching over you" "He grips your shoulders shaking "No...don't di-" "It's alright...this...isn't a....goodbye...this is simply...a see you later" You lean close to dabis ear and whispers something. You then look at him and gave him one final gentle smile along with a farewell kiss. " rest now okay?...and...when I'" Your eyes slowly start to close "'m so" Your eyes fully close, never to open ever again. Your hand that laid on dabis cheek falls into your lap. Dabi will never be able to see that beautiful smile, he will never be able to hold your warm and soft hands, kiss your tender lips, or hear your voice call out to him. The more he realizes all of these terrible things the more frustrated, the more upset he became. Blue flames roared everywhere as he screamed to heavens above. Emotions that were beyond his control as if his heart had shattered into a million pieces. He hated this feeling, he hated this so much. As the pro heros finally manage to catch up with him. They notice dabi standing there glaring at them with hatred in his eyes, a look they will never forget bringing fear into there hearts, if looks could kill they would be dead. A purple portal finally appears, "Dabi, my apologies for the delay let's go" Dabi said nothing and stepped inside the portal, from where he was once standing a pile of ashes were left behind the same spot where your body once was. Back at the hideout everyone stood clear and far from dabi, they could hear the sound of him kicking objects, breaking them, yelling in angry completely making his room into a mess. Dabi knew if he letted his flames out again he would burn everything and everyone there, and he knew that would of broken your heart. He slide his back down against his bedroom door as he covered his face with his hands. He reached into his pocket feeling some the ashes he had scooped up from the snow before Kurogiri had come for him. Those ashes were you. He started to recall what you had whispered into his ear. "I can't bear the thought of being turned into a Nomu, so I ask of you please, burn my body, let your blue flames engulf me as they drag me into the bricks of hell where someday we will reunite and dance together once more" He was looking forward to that day.
These are images of how I would image the moments in this fanfic.
(F/L Dying in Dabis Arms)
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(Dabi in his room)
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(Dabi crying over your death)
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