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Night came and the childrens put on more comfortable clothes to go to sleep, but first the woman gave food to the children and the man that looked very delicious. I was hungry too because my last meal was in the morning. Before the woman sat down she placed a plate of food in front of me.

- This is your food Buttercup, she said with a smile.

She sat down at the big table with the kids and the man and we all started eating. The food was delicious, it tasted better than the food that I was used to eating.

When everyone finished eating they got up from the table and each went their separate ways, the woman went to the kitchen and took the dishes with her, the man went to the living room and sat on the sofa to watch the noisy appliance and the children went to the bathroom, I went with them to see what they were doing. It was very curious what happened in that room, the children stood in front of a piece of furniture and with an elongated utensil began to rub their teeth, foam came out of their mouths and after a few seconds they rinsed their mouths with the water that came out of the large piece of furniture. I was sitting in the bathroom doorway waiting for them to finish doing whatever they were doing. When the kids were done, they came out one by one and rubbed my head.

The little boys went into their room, while I went into the living room to see if the man and woman were still doing the same thing, but they were not. Now the woman was sitting next to the man on the couch and they were both still watching the noisy device. I honestly didn't know what they found entertaining about it, but I didn't think anything of it. Minutes later I heard

- Kids, are you ready for bed?

- Yes, mom - they both answered

That's when I realized, the woman's name is Mom? It's a weird name, but that's what the kids called her, so I guess I'll call her that from now on. When mom heard what the children said she got up from the couch and went to the children's room, and I followed her.

The children were already in bed when Mom and I arrived in the room.

- Tell us a story, Mom, said Allan.

- It's okay but just a short one, said Mom.

- It's okay, Mom, they both replied happily.

Mom started talking about some little pigs that lived in the forest or something like that. I could not understand very well because I fell down in the middle of the story, just like the children.

The next morning when I got up, the kids were still asleep so I went to the living room to see if the man was still sitting there, but no, he wasn't there so I went to the kitchen to see if I could find Mom.

- Buttercup, you're up early, she said with a smile on his face and stroking my head.

I just wagged my tail and stayed with her, my nose smelled a very pleasant fragrance that seemed to come from what mom was doing in the kitchen.

- Wake up the children so they can come and eat, she said as she pointed to the door of the children's room.

So I ran to the children's room and started calling out to them but they were still sleeping. Then I jumped onto Steven's bed and started licking his face until he woke up and then I did the same with Allan.

Both children woke up and went to the kitchen. When I arrived mom congratulated me for doing what she had asked me to do and gave me a cookie, that was the first time someone congratulated me for something I had done, I will never forget how I felt that day...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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