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Kwazii POV

I felt sad as I saw Peso get into the Gup-E. He was my best mate and without him everything felt weird. I'm used to him being close to me. It just feels weird without him being by my side. I walked back to the HQ to speak with the Captain about Peso. "Aye Captain, I don't think it's safe for Peso-" I paused as I realised the Captain wasn't listening to me. I tried a few more times to get the Captains attention before realising it was no use.

I sighed and left the HQ and jumped down the Octo-chute to the Launch-bay. I did a front flip and landed. I walked over to Tweaks room and saw her sitting on her bed playing video games. I walked over and sat down next to her. It was silent except for the sound coming from the TV. I fidgeted as I looked around the room. I don't like sitting still for a long since I was a pirate. We would go on adventures and battling sea monsters all day!

As I was looking at the TV I felt the bed shift and Tweak starting talking. "Ok what's up? You came in here so obviously somethings wrong. Tell me what's on your mind Kwas."

I sighed and ran a hand down my face, groaning before looking at Tweak. "I'm worried about Peso and I have this feeling that something is going to go awfully wrong and I'm never wrong about things like this."

"I'm sure Peso will be fine Kwas, hes a strong Penguin and he'll contact the Octopod if something happens." But as she said this, Tweak still looked worried and put a hand on my shoulder in a way to comfort me. It worked a bit but I still had this gnawing feeling in my gut that Peso was in trouble.

We talked for a few more hours about this and that and about anything in general and about Peso some more, until it was dinner time! Spaghetti bolognase with seaweed sauce!

I grinned and turned to Tweak who was already getting up. "Race ya!"

"Oh your on!"

We raced through the Octopod towards the Dining room, I was obviously in the lead with my cat boy speed. I glanced over my shoulder but I couldn't see Tweak anywhere. Ha I've lost her! Thought smirking to myself as I ran the rest of the way to the Dining room, following the smell of a tasty dinner.

But when I got there I skidded to a stop. There I saw Tweak sitting at the table eating the Gourmet dinner the vegimals cooked up.

"I- but how- I was infront of you-" I stumbled over my words as I tried to figure out how she won.

"Haha I beat you." She smiled smugly and leaned back in her seat. "Rabbits are faster than cats, did you not know that?"

I looked at the rest of the crew and saw that they were trying to hide their laughter. But Shellington didn't try hard enough because he just started cracking up.

I glared at him as I took my seat and dug into the food. After a few bites I looked at Shellington and demanded to know why he was laughing. I didn't like to be laughed at, no one does.

Shellington sobered up enough to explain why he was laughing. "I'm laughing because its the first time I've seen you lost at something."

I flicked some Spaghetti at him and it hit him right in the centre of the face and we all laughed at how ridiculous he looked. Shellington looked mad for a second then laughed as he flicked some at me. Soon enough a whole food right erupted inside the room.

In the kitchen the Vegimals were making desert when they heard a big ruckus from the next room. They went to investigate and gasped. They all fainted out of shock except for Tunip who just looked mad that the Dining room and all the food was ruined. He walked up to Shellington and demanded that the Octonauts clean the room if they want some desert.

Everyone looked at Shellington waiting for him to translate what Tunip said.

Shellington glanced down at the angry looking vegimal and gulped. "Umm, well you see, Tunip just said that we better clean up the room or we won't be getting desert, oh and FYI it's Captain Barnacles favourite desert." He laughed nervously.

The Captains eyes widened as he heard this and he turned to the team. "Octonauts, start cleaning! So we can get some yummy pudding!"

Tweak told them that she has a new gadget called the vacuumomatic 2000. It can make anything that it touchs go faster. She hurried down to the Launch-bay to grab it while the rest of the team started to clean.

10 minutes later the Dining room was sparking. "Well team we did, just in time for desert too." Barnacles said cheerfully as the vegimals waddled in with plates filled with kelp pudding.

Back with Peso, he reached the island and wondered around for a while before he saw the creature in need.

"Peso to Octopod, come in Octopod" Dashi ran over to the other side of the Dining room with the rest of us following close behind. Peso's calling? Something must be wrong. All the negative thoughts left my mind when I saw Peso smiling with delight as he knelt next to a giant Tortoise.

"Yow! There's a giant Tortoise next to ya Peso!" I exclaimed as I pushed my way to the front and stared the giant creature infront of me. I lifted my eyepatch to get a better look.

"Wow Peso, thats a Galapagos giant tortoise you have there! What's he doing all the way over In this sea? He's too far away from home to be safe here." Shellington said. I looked at him confused and asked him what the creature was again.

"The Galápagos tortoise or Galápagos giant tortoise is a species of very large tortoise in the genus Chelonoidis. With lifespans in the wild of over 100 years." Shellington explained.

" Shellington explained

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Peso explained how the Tortoise got caught in a slipstream and that's how he ended up here and how Peso is going to make his own slipstream to help the Tortoise get back home

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Peso explained how the Tortoise got caught in a slipstream and that's how he ended up here and how Peso is going to make his own slipstream to help the Tortoise get back home. He said that he will call them back in a few hours. The call then ended.

"Meow! That was some tortoise! It looked just like," Everyone groaned playfully as I started ranting about one of my monster stories.

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