Chapter 2

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Scarlett and Rose stayed for the next couple of days and I couldn't have been happier.

Today is Sunday which means waffles!!

I was asleep in my bed when my door flew open and a little monster ran towards me, jumping on my bed and shaking me violently.

I immediately opened my eyes, thinking that something happened and that someone was in trouble but when I saw the cheeky smile on my Rosie's lips, I knew it was nothing.
Me: Morning baby......
R: Get up!! Get up!! GET!! UP!! MAMA!!
Me: Baby.... It's 6:30 in the morning..... Do you need something?
R: Yes!! Breakfast!! It's Sunday mama!! You have to make me your special waffles!!

When I saw the excitement in her eyes, I realized just how much I miss her and how much she misses spending time with me.

Look at this face.... How can someone say no to her?
Me: It's Sunday?!! Silly me!! I forgot!! Thank you baby for reminding me!! Let's go and make special waffles for everyone!!
R: Let's go mama!! Let's go!!

Rose and I went downstairs and started on breakfast together.
I took out the ingredients and she helped in preparing the batter.

After the batter was done, I took her to her room and got her ready for the day, brushing her teeth and hair, changing her clothes, putting on her shoes....

We then went back downstairs and started making the waffles while switching on the coffee maker for Scar and myself.

At 7:30, everything was ready.
We put everything on a tray and carried it up to Scar's room to have breakfast together.

Rose was so excited. She ran up the stairs and knocked on Scar's door before opening it.

Rose climbed on the bed and started kissing Scar to wake her up.
Scar started smiling in her sleep and turned over on her back, opening her eyes.
S: Morning bubba....
R: Morning mommy!! Look!! Mama and I made breakfast!!

Scar looked over and saw me already looking at her and Rose in pure adoration.
S: I can't love you more even if I tried Y/n/n.....
Me: Morning Scarry.....
S: Bring me food!! The baby is hungry!!
Me: Anything for my little Cosmopolitan.

Scar was sitting at this point with her back to the headboard, so she grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at me but I luckily ducked and escaped her viscous attack.
Me: Rude!! Rose and I worked very hard to prepare you this breakfast.
S: Don't call him cosmopolitan!!
R: Mommy!! Mama and I made her special waffles!!
S: That's amazing sweetie. Let's eat.

Halfway through breakfast, there was a knock on the door which confused both me and Scar. We weren't expecting anybody.
Me: You guys stay here. I'll go and check.

I went downstairs and opened the door, only to be met with 2 bodies crashing into mine.
Lizzie and Chris.

Me: Good morning Y/N. May we come in? Of course my dear friends. Welcome.
L: We miss you!!! You didn't tell us you were here!! We had to find out from Rose yesterday!!
C: How can you do that to us asshole?!!
Me: I was in a bubble I guess. I was spending all my time with Scar and my Rosie. I haven't even opened my phone yet or unpacked. Come in. We're having breakfast.
C: Sunday waffles?
Me: Yup.
L: You're so predictable.
Me: Come in.... (I said laughing and shaking my head)

We headed up the stairs and into Scar's room where my two blonds were waiting for me.
Lizzie was the first to open the door.
L: Guess whoooooo......

When Rose saw her aunt Lizzie, she jumped out of bed and ran into her arms, engulfing her in a tight hug.
L: How is my Rosie doing??
Me: Hey!! She's my Rosie!! Get your own!!
S: Play nice Y/n/n....
Me: See what you're doing Lizzie? Turning the pregnant lady against me.
C: I want hugs too!!

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