Chapter 8

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*Y/N's POV*

It's been 8 days since I've been staying here in this hotel and I'm tired. 
I miss my Rosie even though I talk to her everyday, even multiple times a day but I especially miss Scar. 

I shouldn't have left her like that but I couldn't stay there either.

I was getting out of the shower when my phone started to ring.
I looked at the number and saw that it was Hunter, Scar's twin brother.
Me: Hey Hunter!! Long time no seen!!
H: Hey Y/N!! How are you?!
Me: I'm doing good Hunt. What's up?
H: She might kill you if you miss this!!
H: She's in labor!! She's asking for you!! Get your ass on that plane and get here as soon as possible!! 
Me: I'm on my way!!

I immediately packed all the shit that I bought here and ran to the airport.
Me: I need a plane to LA right now!!
FD: I'm sorry miss. But the earliest flight to LA is in 8 hours. (The front desk lady said)
Me: No! You don't understand!! My best friend is giving birth and I need to be there for her!!!
FD: I understand ma'am. But there's nothing I can do. There are no flights going out at the moment.
FD: That can be arranged. But it's 30 thousand dollars and we'll need around 30-40 minutes.
Me: I don't care!! Get me to LA!! I'll pay you 50K, make it in 10-15 minutes. 
FD: Right away miss.

After literally 10 minutes, I was being ushered to the private plane ready to take me home. 
Once we were in the air, I facetimed Lizzie to make sure Scar is doing ok.
L: Where are you?!
Me: On the plane. I still need around 4-5 hours.
L: She's still at 3 centimeters but Rose wants you. She's crying. She's scared, because Colin yelled at her for wanting Scar so much when she's in labor.
Me: He did what?! That son of a bitch!! I'm going to kill him!! Give me Rose please.

R: Mama?? (She said on the verge of tears)
Me: Hey there my beautiful baby. I need you to be strong for me, ok? 
R: Ok mama.
Me: I'm on the airplane and I'm coming to you as soon as I can.
R: Hurry mama. I want to cuddle with you.
Me: Of course baby. I'll be there in a few hours and you can do whatever you want bubs. I'm going to stay with you on the phone the entire time until it's time to land but I'm going to need you to give the phone to aunt Lizzie or grandma Melanie real quick.
R: Here's grandma!! 

Melanie grabbed the phone from Rose and smiled at me. 
M: Hey Y/N!! Where are you?! I miss you!!
Me: I'm on the plan Mel. I'll be there as soon as I can. I need a favor.
M: Anything. Tell me.
Me: I need you to stay with Rose and not let Colin anywhere near her. 
M: Ok... But why?
Me: That son of a bitch yelled at my daughter and I don't want him to be alone with her. I'll be right there and I'm staying on the phone with her but don't leave her alone.
M: Ok. But before I hand you off to Rose, she told Scar you are on the phone and Scar wants to talk to you.
Me: Ok..... (I took a deep breath) Give me to her.

S: Y/N!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!! I DON'T CARE WHY YOU LEFT!! I JUST NEED YOU HERE WITH ME!! I can't do this alone...... (Her anger turning into sadness)
Me: Scarry..... Look at me babe....

She looked up at me and a few tears escaped her eyes.
Me: Good girl.... Now I'm going to need you to take a deep breath with me, ok?
S: Ok....
Me: In through your nose...... Out through your mouth......

After she did it, she calmed down a bit and gave me a weak smile.
Me: I know it hurts and you're tired but you're the strongest person I know. You've went through hell and back and you're standing there strong.
S: I'm laying in bed dummy. (Scar said laughing)
Me: Really? I'm talking about how strong you are and you thought this is the best time to be a smartass?
S: You were wrong!! (She said playfully while laughing)
Me: Ok, ok.... You're right.... You've went through hell and back and you're laying there strong. Better?
S: Much.
Me: Ok. All jokes aside. You're a badass woman who has beaten every challenge life has thrown your way. You can do this. I know you can. You already did this once and look what we got from it.
S: Our beautiful daughter.....
Me: Our beautiful daughter. Now I'm on my way to you but I need you to be strong and push when my little cosmopolitan wants to come out even if I'm not there yet.
Me: I'm trying. I promise you that. But I can't make this plane go any faster. I'll be there as soon as I can. Ok?
S: Ok.....
Me: Now, I have to talk to Rose and make sure she's alright.
S: Wait! What happened with Rose?! 
Me: Don't worry about it. I'll be with her on the phone until I make it to the hospital. 
S: Ok.... Hurry!!

I called Daniel and told him to come pick me up with all the baby stuff from my car in case they need something and he did.

We rushed to the hospital and I started running to Scar's room.

I quickly washed my hands, put on the gown and picked Rose up who immediately clung to my neck, making my way to the delivery room where Colin, Melanie and Vanessa, her sister were.

I went over with Rose still around my neck and grabbed Scar's hand since Melanie made room for me. 
Colin was on the other side but no one was acknowledging his presence.
Me: I know honey. I know..... But you're strong and Rose and I are her. Right Rosie?

Rose looked at Colin but then at Scar and me and started smiling. 
R: You can do this mommy!! Mama and I are here!!

I was grabbing Scar's hand, so Rose placed hers on top of ours but Scar let go of Colin's hand and held our hands.
Colin was mad but I didn't give a shit. All that matters is my family. Rose and Scar.


R: Mommy, you said a bad word.
S: I'm sorry baby, you're right.
Me: Come on Scar. You can do this!!
R: You can do this mommy!!
Me: It's too late for that now Scarry!! Push!! PUSH OUR LITTLE COSMOPOLITAN OUT!!

With that being said, she screamed and brought little Cosmo into this world.
One look at his cute little face and I knew I was looking at my son. Even though we weren't related by blood or marriage, he was my son. 

The doctor showed him to Scar and asked if someone wanted to cut the baby's cord.
S: Y/N.... Can you and Rose do it?
C: But babe-
S: Please Y/N?
Me: Of course. Come on Rosie. Let's welcome your baby brother into this world!!
R: YES!!!

Rose and I grabbed the scissors and carefully cut it.
R: Mama? I have a question.
Me: Yes baby?
R: If Cosmo was born today, then today is his birthday, right?
Me: Yes baby. That's right.
R: Then we have to sing him happy birthday!!
Me: We have to? (I said smiling so much that my face is hurting)
R: Yes!! It's his birthday!!
Me: Ok, how about we do it later when everyone comes in the room? What do you say baby??
R: YES!!

The doctor placed Cosmo on Scar's chest and she looked at him and then at me and Rose with nothing but pure love and adoration in her eyes.
Me: You did amazing Scarry.... We're so proud of you.....
S: Thank you..... Don't you want to meet him?

I looked at Colin, confused on what I should do because it's his kid too after all and she's asking me to hold him before his father.....
S: Y/N.....

Colin rolled his eyes and I nodded.
I gently placed Rose next to Vanessa on the couch and went over to Scar.

Scar put Cosmo in my arms and he immediately grabbed onto my finger with his tiny hand.
Me: Oh my god!! Scar!! 
S: I see it..... He already knows you're going to protect him with all your powers..... 
Me: He's beautiful Scar.
S: He is.....
Me: You did amazing.

I kissed Scar's forehead then brought my lips to Cosmo's head.
Me: Welcome to the world my little cosmopolitan..... I'm going to be your mama...... We're going to have so much fun together.... You, me and that cheeky sister of yours are going to drive your mommy insane one day.....
S: I have no doubt in my mind that you'll do that.....
Me: Yup.... You want to meet you sister and the family?

I went over to Rose and gently placed Cosmo in her lap where she kissed the top of his head and did something that I'm glad Vanessa got on camera, since she's been filming everything so far.
R: Hey there baby brother. I'm Rose. Happy birthday and welcome to our family. You're going to love it. There is mommy that you already know. She's SUPER strong!! She is always there to listen to you when you're happy or sad or mad. She will always make sure you have everything you need and want. She's just the best. Then, there is mama that you just met. She's my rock. She will be there for you no matter what she is doing or what the time is. 3 nights ago, I called her at 4 am because I had a nightmare and she was asleep but she read me a story over the phone and sang to me until I fell asleep again. She will take you on adventures and amazing places. Plus, she's super smart so she'll always help with homework and teach you things. Then there are aunt Lizzie and uncle Chris who are crazy!! You will have so much fun. Don't forget about grandma and our aunts and uncles. We don't see them a lot but when we do, we have a great time. This is the basics. You'll learn more later. 
Me: We love you so much Rosie.... (I said with tears in my eyes) Me and your mommy..... And the rest of the family too.
R: I know mama. I love you too.

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