Chapter 9

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We welcome everyone in the room and wait until the room to transfer Scar to is ready.

While everyone is waiting, Rose was sound asleep around my neck, so we went to the receptionist to make sure the room is ready.
R: Hello there Miss Y/L/N.
Me: Hello. Call me Y/N. 
R: Of course. What can I help you with?
Me: I wanted to make sure everything for the room is ready.
R: Actually, no. We tried to talk with Mr. Jost but he didn't want to do anything except wait.
Me: What seems to be the problem?
R: There is something wrong with the insurance agency. They're not transferring the money and we're waiting for them to be able to transfer Miss Johansson to her own room.
Me: Ok..... Here. This is my card. Charge everything to my card. Whenever the insurance pays, we'll figure it out. But I want to pay for now. Prepare the best room you have and make sure there are extra couches in there in case people want to stay over.
R: But that's going to be extra. Like a couple thousand dollars miss and the insurance doesn't cover it.
Me: Doesn't matter. Prepare everything as soon as possible and charge it to my card.
R: Of course. I'll prepare everything and someone will bring Ms. Johansson to her room.

I got Scar some ice chips and some food with Rose still asleep on my neck and started making my way back to Scar.
I was about to turn the corner when Colin grabbed my arm and stopped me.

C: What are you doing here?!
Me: Excuse me?
Me: First of all, lower your voice. My daughter is asleep and I won't allow you to wake her up. Plus, we have to talk later for how you shouted at her earlier. But now, I'm going to see Scar and make sure she has everything she wants and needs.
C: Same old thing!! The lesbian, in love with her best friend who doesn't love her back!! Get the fuck away from my family!!
Me: Colin. Today is supposed to be a happy day. I'm going to go and spend it with my family. Calm down and don't let Scar see you like this. I'm not going to argue with you right now, because you're not important to me. I'm going.

I left Colin and made my way to Scar's room where all of our friends and family were waiting for us. 

I made my way into the room and placed Rose next to Scar to cuddle into since Scar wanted Rose close and Cosmo was asleep.
I kissed my girls on the forehead and picked up Cosmo sitting down next to Hunter on the couch.

Hunter and I have always been close. He knew about my crush on Scar and never said anything.
H: Hey little Cosmo.... You're sleeping with your mama?
Me: He looks so much like Scar.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his shoulder but suddenly we saw a flash and when we looked up, Scar was taking photos of us.
Me: Seriously Scar? 
Me: My little cosmopolitan might wake up.
S: If he's anything like you, he'll sleep through a nuclear explosion.
Me: He has to if he's sleeping next to you, you loud snorer....

Scar stuck out her tongue at me and I did the same. 

Colin came in and sat on a chair at the corner of the room and it was pretty obvious that he shouldn't have been here, but he is the father after all. He just didn't fit into the family.

M: So Y/N.....
Me: Yes Mel??
M: Why were you in Canada?
Me: Oh.... Umm..... I..... I had a surgery....
M: Hope it went great.
Me: It did. Thank you.
H: Glad you made it back in time to see your son being born and thank you for talking to Scar from the plane and calming her down. I swear she was going to bite our heads off.
Me: She's the black widow. She can do whatever she wants. And if she bites your head off, I'm sure she had a good and valid reason for doing so.
S: Thank you!!
Me: I got you babes. 

Just then, there was a knock on the door and the receptionist came in with some nurses. 
R: Your room is ready Miss Johansson. 
S: Thank you.
R: And here is the receipt Y/N.
Me: Thank you. 

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