★⋅𖥔⋅☆Chapter I☆⋅𖥔⋅★

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Gasping in a breath, I awoke to the bright star-filled sky above. The lights twinkling with each breath I took. It was entertaining to gaze at the brilliant lights as the cool air selected to become apparent. I watched as the sky turned lighter and the stars became duller.

Faintly I could hear the sound of bells. I whined as I lifted myself from the snow-covered ground. I inhaled as I looked down at my hands. They were smaller than... I couldn't end my thought.

What were they smaller than?

I glanced down at my body. I had on a large black tee-shirt that engulfed my body with shorts that were grey and frayed at the ends. The shorts were baggy and had fallen down my legs. I grabbed the garment and held onto it so that it didn't fall as I turned to look where I had laid.

The snow-covered ground held no disturbances except for where I had been laying at. A pit in my stomach rose.

No footprints? It was like I was dropped from the sky...

The sound of bells became louder for a moment before stopping. They rang out again in beat. I turned my head and could faintly see the light of a fire beaming through the barrier trees.

I slowly stood and looked around the area I was in. I saw nothing but trees for yards. I felt fear prickle in my mind. Where was I?

I deliberately shuffled through the snow and made my way towards the light of the fire. Fire was safety and I felt it was best to hurry to the glow.

I broke the tree line to find a man dressed in dark brown clothes with red and gold embroidery dancing in the middle of a circle of standing torches. I watched as each turn and thrust of his dance caused the bells on his wooden sword to chime and sing out. I slowed to a halt and stared at the man. His face was hidden behind a long blindfold with lettering on the front. Although I couldn't see his face I could hear him inhale a deep breath just before he started a new round of twist and momentum.

"Tanjuro!" A woman's voice called out to the man and he stopped all movement of his body with a loud ring.

I shook as he stilled. The sun turned the sky a pale purple as it began to rise. I was in awe as it seemed that the man was outlined in the glow of the sun as it peeked over the mountains in the distance.

"It's a young girl!" I could hear the woman's voice shout out.

The man turned towards me and his hand slid up the blindfold. I could see from where I was that the man was sickly. His dark red eyes ran over my figure from head to toe before calling over his shoulder to the woman.

I was frozen in my spot. I watched the man slowly walk forward before kneeling in front of me.

"Are you okay? Where did you come from?" The man asked and a woman appeared next to him holding a blanket.

I opened my mouth to speak but failed to make my voice work. I ended up bobbing my head and took a step back.

"Do not worry," the man I would guess was Tanjuro, spoke softly as if talking to a wounded animal, "We won't hurt you."

"Dear she is turning blue," The woman gasped and held the blanket up, "Come here, let me bundle you up."

I hesitantly moved towards the woman. Tanjuro smiled softly, his red color eyes holding nothing but kindness. I felt any fear I had left leave my body and another feeling build up.

I thrust my body into the woman's waiting arms. I felt tears fall over my cheeks as I cried. The woman kneeled and held me close as I wailed.

"Kie," Tanjuro moved beside us and he laid a large hand on my head, "We should get her inside."

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