Chapter Four

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I've been at the castle for about ten minutes. I'm stood in the throne room. It looks likes the walls are made from gold, the floor is white marble and up a few steps is the kings throne which I know is made of gold. Next to the throne is a guy called Alexander who's the kings right hand man. I'm stood in the middle of the room next to a timid looking girl who's slightly taller than me. She has long brown hair, bluey-grey eyes and is wearing a long white dress and a small blue cloak. I don't recognize her but she must've been summoned for the same reason as me.

Suddenly, the king's advisor introduces the king and the princess as they walk in, "Introducing King Vester and princess Evelyne. The king is small and round and has light grey hair. The princess is curvy and gorgeous with emerald eyes and wavy ginger hair. The girl and I curtsy. "Thank you, Alexander. Welcome to our guests Layla Fadden, Ava Rhodes and... Where's the other one?" The king asked.

"She's here my Lord. Sorry for the delay, she was tricky to catch." A guard from behind side. If she was tricky to catch does that mean she's a criminal? I turn around and my suspicion is confirmed. A girl around 5ft 4 is brought in wearing handcuffs. She has long purple hair and dark brown eyes that look almost black. She's wearing black shorts, a black top, black knee-high combat boots and a long, hooded black cloak.

"Welcome Kay Ducane. Now we have the warrior, the healer and the thief." The king stated. I must be the warrior and Kay is clearly the thief meaning Layla must be the healer.

"What do you want with me you douche?" Kay shouted, rudely.

"How dare you speak to the king like that." Alexander stated.

"He's not my king," Kay muttered.

"This girl's got a mouth on her," I thought to myself.

"It's alright." The king continued, "I need the three of you to journey to Nickius mountain and retrieve me something."

"Where's that and what are we retrieving?" I asked.

"In the heart of the mountain is a crown that can finally stop the war. A map will be provided as well as a care bag for each of you," the king said.

"How does a crown stop the war?" I asked.

"That's not important. I just need to know if you'll do it."

"Why us? What's so special about us?" Layla shyly asked.

"You all possess a special set of skills that will come in handy as well your unique powers." Hundreds of years ago, some people started developing powers. No one knows how this happened. People were scared at first but eventually got used it. Some think it's a gift from God. Only certain people get them, it's a rare gift. I have the ability to shapeshift and to summon creatures. I wonder what the others are. "Why us isn't important." Kay shouted. "The important question is what's in it for us?"

"You will all be rewarded a hefty amount once you return with the crown," the king answered.

"I don't want the money." Kay stated which shocked everyone, she's a thief why wouldn't she want the money?

"What do you want then?"

"Immunity and safe passage out of the country."

"Fine. Does this mean we have a deal?"

"Yes." Me and Kay answered. This is my chance to prove myself to my brothers. To prove I'm a great warrior. I can do this.

"Thank god. You've just saved the kingdom. Guards, please take off Kay's handcuffs."

"Don't bother. I picked the lock," Kay said revealing her free arms from behind her back. Clearly a thief and clearly a good one. Why are we being made to work with a criminal? I can do this by myself. Kay clearly can't be trusted and Layla seems too much of a scaredy cat. "Here's your bags, you'll find everything you'll need" a guard said. I opened the bag: there's some food, a map and a bottle of water. I'm guessing the others have the same. The bag I packed at home is bigger and better quality so I put the items in my bag, I see Layla do the same. Kay was given two bags, one that looks like the ones we were given and a black one that I'm guessing is her own that they took when they captured her. She seems extremely grateful to have it back. She took out a necklace with a black crystal on it and quickly put it on. Must be something important to her. She caught me staring so I quickly look away. "The journey there will take three days so I expect you back in six, got it? I want no delays. This is important." The king ordered.

"You've got it your highness," I responded.

"Good now off you go." We started to leave when the king quickly grabbed my shoulder and handed me a ring, "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, sir." I took the ring and followed the others out the castle.

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