Chapter Two

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"Hey, let me join," I shouted as I grabbed a sword and tried to join in with their training.

"Go away Ava." My brother, Josh, moaned as he pushed me back.

"Girls should act like princesses not knights." My other brother, Nathaniel, said. My brothers are such jerks. I have three older brothers: Josh, Nathaniel and Scott, they've trained to be great warriors since birth. Me being the youngest and the only girl, I've been brought up to be a proper lady. That's not my style though. I want to be a great knight like my father. I want to beat my brothers and become the best knight the land has ever seen. My dad has always said it's because I've never had a female role model to look up to as my mother died when I was young. "You're just afraid I'll beat you," I taunted.

"Sure you would," Scott laughed, sarcastically. "Now go away we're training." Little do they know I've been practicing in secret and have got quite good. Also, after watching them for so many years I know all their moves and am a quick study. I'm fed up with them excluding me. So, what I'm a women? I'm just as good. I just need my chance to prove it.

Suddenly, the door knocked. "Who could that be?" Scott asked.

"Probably someone to finally give me a mission," Josh hoped.

"Maybe it's someone to finally give you a brain," I mocked as I put the sword away and sat up on a barrel.

"Drop dead Ava." I stuck my tongue out in retaliation. Josh opened the door and three Royal guards entered. What are they doing here? I guess my brothers are actually going to get a mission. They've been official knights for a while but they're still in training so they haven't been allowed on missions.

"Sorry to come unannounced but we've come with an urgent request from the king." A guard said, "we've come for a great warrior."

"That must be me," Nathaniel announced.

"That would be me actually," it's Scott this time.

"You're both wrong it's obviously me, I'm the better warrior" Josh argued. They're all idiots. Everyone in my family are very competitive and always have been. Especially my brothers. They're close in age with Nathaniel being the oldest at twenty-five and Scott being the youngest at twenty but they all act like two-year-olds. "Actually, we're here for Ava Rhodes." The guard stated.

"What?" I shouted in shock.

"There must be a mistake she's a child," Josh shouted.

"I'm seventeen you douche."

"She's a lady not a warrior! There must be a mistake," Nathaniel complained.

"No mistake sir, the king asked for her personally." The guard corrected.

"Are you kidding me? She ruins our lives and is the one to be rewarded. This is ridiculous." Josh screamed as him and my other brothers stormed off into their rooms.

"May I ask why and why me?" I asked, quietly.

"The king has a job for you but we have no time to waste so get ready. You don't need to pack anything but are welcome to bring whatever you think is necessary. As quick as possible please ma'am." I wasted no time and ran to my room. Why has the king asked for me? If he wants a warrior why not request my brothers? None of this makes any sense. I quickly got changed into black bottoms and my red cape that I buttoned up. It's late spring so I don't need to wrap up warm. I grabbed a bag and packed a change of clothes, a picture of my family and put my father's sword in my holster. I went outside and got onto one of the guard's horses. My brothers stayed locked in their rooms so I didn't bother to say goodbye. "Ready Miss Rhodes?"

"Yes sir." We set off and rode towards the King's castle.

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