Scenario: Tomioka's innocence

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Author: Aight! Last one for you guys! 
(Chapter 53 extra scenario)

"Alright! That's it for the day. Good work guys, enjoy your day off." Hawks says to his sidekicks.

"Hey Hawks. Is the kid staying with you?"

"Yep. He's at my place at the moment. He said he needed some time before he decided to return to UA." Hawks replied to his sidekick.

The day after Y/n was discharge at the hospital and decided to stay for a week with Hawks.

Afterwards, Keigo left his agency and flies back to his home.

When he arrived, he notice the lights were turned off. He checked the time in his phone and realize how late it was.

"The kid is probably asleep now." He muttered to himself.

Keigo opens the door and entered his place, turning the light switch on. The old crow, Kanzaburo was resting on the side of the couch, he turn his head at Keigo.

"..Hi.. Welcome.. Back..."

"Heyo there Kanzaburo." Keigo waved at the grandpa crow.

His eyes then travels to the couch, seeing the young demon slayer peacefully asleep with a plushed bunny he received.

His eyes then travels to the couch, seeing the young demon slayer peacefully asleep with a plushed bunny he received

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"Geez kid. Never bothered getting a blanket from my room?" Keigo said while taking out his phone to take a picture. Kanzaburo lets out an angry caw which startles Keigo and immediately put his phone away.

"It must be uncomfortable for you here on the couch."

The number 2 hero carried the sleeping teen, carefully to not wake him up. Kanzaburo flies and landed on Y/n, looking up at Keigo.

"I'm just going to move him to my bed. It's comfortable. I promise." Keigo whispered to Kanzaburo. "You don't have to be protective."

Keigo lays Y/n down on his bed, covering him up with a blanket before walking out of the room. Kanzaburo snuggled to Y/n's side and fell asleep.


The next day, Y/n immediately walks out of Keigo's room with a messy bedhead and carrying an asleep Kanzaburo in his arms. Keigo notices him and smiled.

"Well good morning, little housemate." He greeted him.

"Good morning, and please don't call me housemate. I'm not staying here for long." Y/n uttered. He approaches and sat down on the table. Kanzaburo cuddles up to his arms. 

Both were having breakfast peacefully, when Y/n suddenly spoke. "By the way, I kinda used your account to watch Netflix last night."

"Really? That's fine kid. What did you watch?"

"It was in the recommendation, I think it was called... Fifty Shades Darker." Y/n said.

Keigo chokes on his water and stare at Y/n in wide eyes.

"But I didn't get to watch the whole movie, I fell asleep. Kanzaburo must've turned it off." Y/n added. The winged hero sighed relief. "What's that movie about anywa-"

"I have a better movies for you to watch. Just don't watch that movie." Keigo said.

Y/n blinked in confusion and tilted his head, "Okay..??? But why?"

"Because I can tell you have no idea about those stuffs." Keigo said.

"What stuffs?" Y/n asked. Getting curious about it.

Keigo hesistate to say it in front of the young Tomioka, he took a deep breathe, "Do you know sex?"

The young one took a few moments before responding to Keigo "... It is like sexuality? The sexual orientation?"

'Oh my god, he doesn't know! This kid is innocent!' Keigo thought panickedly. "No. Not those. It's uh... sexual activity."

"What kind of activity? Can you show it to me?"

Keigo was literally screaming in his mind while his face was red. "Nope! I can't show it to you kid! No no!"

"So, does Fifty Shades Darker contain those sexual activity you can't explain to me?" Y/n asked while feeding Kanzaburo.

"Kid that's enough. You will know those stuffs in the future. Anyways, here. Fast and Furious is a great movie." Keigo played the selected movie.

A few months later after Y/n returned to UA. He still curious about the movie and the others.


Aizawa turn to Y/n. All Might and Present Mic was there with them. "Hmm? Is there something you need?"

"The red chicken won't let me watch this movie."

"What movie?"

"Fifty Shades Darker." 

"Eyy?!" Present Mic look at Y/n as All Might cough some blood. There was silence between them as Y/n continue.

"And he won't explain what sex is."

"Do not watch that movie and you don't have to know what that it. You must not lose that innocence of yours." Aizawa then left Y/n in complete confusion.


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