Chapter 4: Grandfather

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He looked at himself in the full length mirror a smile on his face, he eyed his clothing choice and was pleased with how the look had eventually turned out, of course the t-shirt was too big, but it seemed to work with what he was wearing. When Naruto was searching through the drawers for something to wear he had found a pair of underwear, pants, and boots all in his size, or close to, but the t-shirts were all too big. He gave a slight turn and smirked once more, his dry hair now hung down his face, Naruto had attempted to spike it, but it just seemed to fall back into place, just with a slightly messier style, Naruto had to admit, the messy style suited him more than the normal flat style his hair had morphed to. Naruto eyed his clothes once more. He wore a pair of dark brown boots, that went all the way to the knee, with slight knee protectors on, the boots were pointed at the toe slightly giving his lower legs a sleek look, due to the fact that the boots seemed to cling to his legs (A/N: Like what Vergil wears from Devil May Cry), he wore a pair of tight trousers, the material was a simple one, Naruto was unaware of the exact material, but it was stretchy and durable enough for a ninja, he wore a two belt piece, both belts were the same brown as his boots, one belt went through all the loops of his pants, whilst the other went through one side and hung down to the middle of his thigh. His t-shirt was simply white, it was high collared and obviously too big on him, his hands were swallowed by the large sleeved, and he had tucked in the bottom, but it still folded over slightly, giving him a very noble style, with a sense of ninja in it too (A/N: the t-shirt is like Sasuke's Shippuden shirt except Naruto's isn't open showing his chest) Naruto gave a smile and moved out of the bathroom, his fingers deftly slid into his pocket to the hairclip that could be seen attached to his pocket, pulling it out slowly he moved through the living room area towards the kitchen, his other hand going to his hair and grabbing his fringe, pulling it back slightly he added the hair clip. He opened the cupboards and groaned, the cobwebs in the corners seemed to mock him.

"No food, what am I supposed to eat, I am starving" he thought to himself, he sighed and slammed the cupboard door closed, he turned and left the living quarters, the blue fire had seemed to stay on, and for some reason the cool air had dimmed slightly. Naruto smiled as he moved through the hallways with renewed vigour, his new boots making a louder echo than his shuffling bare feet, he noticed almost straight away, he felt lighter somehow, considering the fact that he was wearing clothes, other than his tattered underwear. His body felt lighter, he moved through the hallways faster.

"Maybe it's because I am so relaxed" he thought to himself happily, he walked through the hallways with a spring in his step, his eyes moving to the ever bright braziers, he eyed the walls of the hallways, the smooth concrete seemed to have a spiral design etched into them, his hands often moved to the wall to try and feel the bumps of the spirals, yet like the smoothest of glass there was no other texture. He rubbed his hand along the wall as he walked, suddenly the texture changed, his fingers raised over a bumpy service, he turned his head sharply and felt his eyes widen. It was a large picture, a man his hair was snowy white, he was clearly muscular, dwarfing that of the third hokage, and he wore simple battle armour, underneath a large coat, a familiar diamond hat on his head. The man had a smile on his face. Naruto traced the sign on his hat, and he noted at the bottom, the words stood out to him.

"First Uzukage: Miroko Chizuru" Naruto felt the words echo through his head, he realised there were three large paintings lines right next to each other he moved to the second picture and felt a shiver of fear go down his spine, a clearly muscular man stood, a massive sword on his shoulders, one of his eyes was closed, a scar ran vertically down his face, his other eye was open, and despite his gruff exterior, his eye was soft and held kindness

"Second Uzukage: Biwako Kirozi" Naruto smiled slightly, the man appeared to be a brute, but clearly if he made Kage, he was powerful, Naruto moved softly to the final image, a part of him wilted in sadness realising the line stopped with the third Uzukage, Naruto felt himself blink slightly in confusion, a small smile graced his lips, the third Uzukage was nothing like the previous two, both had seemed to be muscular and strong, whilst the third Uzukage seemed to be more boyish than the others, but that wasn't what held his interest, the man was red haired, it was spiked backwards, except two bangs falling down to his cheeks, though they were brushed backwards as much as possible. His eyes were piercing silver; he wore clothing similar to Naruto, his pants and boots similar, he wore a tight fitting black zip up shirt, and a large two tailed coat, the coat was large and a similar blue to the flames that lined the walls. In the man's hand was a sheathed Katana, the blue matched the coat, and the hilt was wrapped with white ribbon. Naruto felt his eyes move down the name tag and felt a smile grow on his face.

The Third Uzukage by Dark-Nate18Where stories live. Discover now