Chapter 14: Team Seven

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It was silent, the sounds of birds and children playing echoed through the class room, Naruto sighed quietly as he looked out of the window. His two teammates were sat in complete silence, one was glaring at him, and another was staring at him in confusion. Naruto grumbled slightly as he turned his head towards Sasuke.

"Will you stop glaring Sasuke, your giving me a migraine" said Naruto, Sasuke just glared harder.

"Naruto, how come you look so different" asked Sakura honestly, she couldn't help it, whilst the older Naruto annoyed the hell out of her; this one seemed relatively peaceful to be around.

"Hn, I don't even know where to begin, I tell you what, prove to me you are a loyal teammate, then I may tell you the tale." Said Naruto, Sakura nodded seriously, she had to admit, she wouldn't reveal any of her secrets to anyone she didn't trust. So she couldn't expect Naruto to.

"Show me" said Sasuke seriously; Sakura looked at him confused; Naruto blinked slightly, a smirk on his face.

"Sorry Sasuke, I am only interested in girls" Naruto Said, Sakura looked affronted whilst Sasuke glared hotly.

"Cha! Naruto is so much cooler than before" thought Sakura, though she was a bit angry about the Sasuke comment, but she would get her revenge later.

"Show me the blue fire" growled Sasuke, Naruto blinked slightly; a confused look fell onto his face.

"How do you know about that anyway" asked Naruto, Sasuke smirked.

"I saw the giant dragon, and the destruction it caused just from a roar" said Sasuke, Sakura looked at Naruto in surprise.

"That blue dragon was you" she said, she looked at Sasuke and realised he was serious, Naruto blinked embarrassedly.

"Y...Yeah, I had a special seal on my body, it was put their when I was a baby. I unlocked the seal by accident, which is why I look different, that is all I am going to tell you, as for the blue fire..."said Naruto before he clenched his fists, and whilst concentrating on his hand, he opened his palm, and the blue fire began coursing around his hand, the majestic blue lit the room.

"B....Beautiful" whispered Sakura, Naruto smiled in thanks, to which Sakura returned. Sasuke just stared at the fire, anger and jealousy in his eyes.

"How...How strong is it" asked Sasuke, Naruto blinked before dispelling the fire.

"Well in that form, I can punch through anything, I use it to strengthen a single strike, and depending on how much force, I can punch a hole through a person, but it takes a lot of concentration, so I can only do it once, before I have to refocus." Said Naruto, Sasuke seemed to inch closer.

"What do you mean in that form" said Sasuke eagerly, Naruto raised an eyebrow and leant backwards slightly. He was about to answer when the door opened.

"Is this team seven" asked the masked man, with the Konoha headband covering his right eye. Naruto stood up and pointed angrily.

"Y...YOU, YOU ARE THAT IDIOT JONIN FROM EARLIER" yelled Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke both frowned.

"So he is still there slightly" was their combined thought. Kakashi blinked slightly at Naruto.

"And you're the emotional little boy who was about to kill a civilian" said Kakashi lazily, Naruto glared hotly, Sasuke frowned slightly, Sakura looked at him shocked.

"He insulted the fourth hokage" said Naruto, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kakashi frowned at Naruto slightly.

"Do you know?" asked Kakashi simply, Naruto nodded seriously, Kakashi's single eye went wide, and beneath his mask his mouth formed an O.

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