Chapter 15: Training and Second Meetings

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Naruto smiled widely as he stood within the centre of training ground seven, he knew that because he was now a genin, within team seven; meant that these training grounds were technically his to use when he feels the need. Of course, he still had to pass the test tomorrow, but he was confident in his skills. The cool evening breeze blew softly across the open expanse of the training ground, the splashing of water seemed to sooth Naruto slightly, reminded him of Uzu. He saw the three training posts and smiled. Moving his hand into a cross, the clearing filled with clones, their hands in the same jutsu sign. Naruto nodded to his clones simply, and their eyes all changed to the Rinnegan, the real Naruto took a deep breath and in a blur he was gone, one of the clones almost immediately pulled out its tanto and blocked Naruto, who appeared with his own tanto drawn. They clashed, the noise echoing through the evening air. Naruto smirked slightly, knowing that using a simple speed move would not fool his Rinnegan. The clone smirked slightly, and with a flick of its wrist, a kunai appeared and with an elegant twist it thrust the kunai towards the real Naruto, Naruto dodged the kunai, and then almost as if it was the signal to fight, every single clone moved into action, Naruto bent backwards slightly as a fist sailed past his face, another clone was anticipating this and sent a kick towards his head, Naruto quickly rolled onto the floor, his blade slid into its scabbard as he rolled, the movement seemed effortless. Quickly placing a palm onto the floor, and a slight chakra boost to his muscles, and he pushed, spinning in the air, he narrowly dodged a sliding kick from a clone, Naruto quickly kicked his foot downwards onto the head of the clone, it dispelled in a cloud of smoke, Naruto used this time and landed softly on the ground. He crouched and jumped out of the smoke. As he leapt up, a few of the clones followed him, Naruto quickly pulled out his tanto and in a show of yellow lightning, he appeared throughout the throng of clones, each were wide eyed as a tanto tore through them, Naruto landed in a crouch on the ground, small yellow lightning storms littered the battle field showing where he had been in almost seconds., Naruto dodged his head sideways, a tanto cutting his cheek, he looked wide eyed at the clone, whose eyes were glaring hard. Naruto flipped sideways, pulling out his tanto, he blocked the single clone, and felt his arm strain under the pressure.

"This is more amusing than I thought" said the clone, his voice deep and menacing, Naruto felt his eyes widen.

"F...Fox" whispered Naruto, the clone licked his lips menacingly and smirked.

"How did you guess, was it my voice, or our difference in power" said Kyuubi, his face was smiling widely, frightening. Naruto blinked in shock as he felt Kyuubi wrap a hand around his wrist. Naruto dropped his tanto as the Kyuubi squeezed.

" are you here" whispered Naruto, the Kyuubi just grunted and threw Naruto over his head as if Naruto was nothing but a feather. Naruto gasped in surprise and landed on his back painfully, he heard the whoosh of air, and a foot stomped on his throat.

"Now you listen well you little brat, I want nothing more than to crush your puny little throat beneath my foot, but, if you die I die. When you studied fuuinjutsu, you weren't the only one to come up with ideas. Now, as it stands, I am stronger than you. So just let me free, you saw how easy I could beat you. Don't make me force my way out, because as it stands, I know how to do just that." Said the Kyuubi, he would constantly push on Naruto's throat, Naruto was crying, fear shook him to the core. His vision was beginning to blur.

" helped me...on the way home" choked Naruto; Kyuubi smirked slightly and removed his foot.

"Weak little fool" said Kyuubi; he held out a hand and Naruto blinked slightly, the tears blurring his vision. He led there with a dumb look on his face.

"I...I don't get it" coughed Naruto, he felt it weird that he was looking at his clone, yet the clone was something much more sinister.

"You are still such a stupid brat" said Kyuubi, Naruto blinked slightly and grabbed the outstretched hand

The Third Uzukage by Dark-Nate18Where stories live. Discover now