Chapter 3

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When the two boys woke up they were rapped in each othersbodies just absorbing each others warmth.

Toru was the first to open his eyes and when he saw the position they were in his face turned a bright red

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Toru was the first to open his eyes and when he saw the position they were in his face turned a bright red. He was just frozen as Shoyo then began to wake up, Shoyo didn't react as bad as Toru but he was still very much flustered.
They then pounced out of each others arms and apologised, but as the two walked downstairs for breakfast they found it funny how they were on opposite sides of the bed but ended up meeting in the middle.
When they got downstairs the smell of pancakes drifted around the room, the boys were already drooling just from the smell. But when they made it to the kitche they saw the most beautiful pancakes ever. They were fluffy and a beautiful golden colour, they had maple syrup with powdered sugar on top, as well as whipped cream and strawberries. The boys raced over to the meals and grabbed one each, Hikari just laughed at the two boys shenanigans.

For the next couple of months of the year Shoyo was homeschooled, he was actually quite enjoying it. The freedom to be able to do whatever he wanted during the day as long as he got his work done. So because he had a picture perfect memory his school work was finished within 2 hours of a day. So for the remaining time he would explore the woods, climb the mountains, practice volleyball, read, do all sorts of things to occupy him. But of course whenever Toru had a day off or on the weekends the two played volleyball and actually hung out around town from time to time. It was actually a huge surprise that no one Toru knew had ever seen the two hanging out.

It was now the first of school for Shoyo, the holidays were over and Shoyo was extremely nervous. He wasn't prepared for this day, yeah sure he went over all possible senerios that might happen, but he was still scared half to death. He wanted friends hut didn't want to get close to anyone else, with the fear he would get attached and then one day they would just leave him.
Toru and Shoyo walked up to the Karasuno gates and after that they separated ways, with Toru leaving and heading to his own school. Luckily for Shoyo it was really early so no one saw the two boys.

Shoyo then walked into the front office to collect his timetable then headed to the locker room. He then looked down at that timetable, that had everything he needed including his locker number. He then opened his locker and put everything inside before changing into some black shorts and the schools white PE shirt. He then walked over to the volleyball gym to see if it was unlocked, luckily for him it was open, but it already had someone in it. They then looked over at Shoyo before smiling at him and running over. "Hi there! I am Koshi Sugawara, I am the Vice Captain of the volleyball team! What are you here for?" "Hi Sugawara-Senpai, I am Shoyo Hinata and I actually was hoping to join the volleyball team here." Shoyo said this trying his best to hide his nerves. "Cool!! Do you want me to toss to you? I am a setter, how about you?" Koshi asked very interested in the small tangerine. "Well I can actually play any position but I prefer the Wing Spiker or Middle Blocker as my Jumping skills come in handy there. But yeah I can play Wing Spiker, Middle Blocker, Setter, Libero, Ace or Pinch Server." Koshi was in shock after hearing that, but it made him even more excited to see what the small boy infront of him could do. "Wow!! How about you come and show me? I would really like to see it for myself!" Shoyo quickly agreed, wanting to put all of his hard work into play.

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