Chapter 5

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The next day the team all headed to the admin office to collect their package that would hopefully be there. When they entered the secretaries were surprised to see that a whole was team had just entered the front office. But when they said what they were hear for the ladies just ahhhed as if they knew exactly what they were talking about. One of the ladies then grabbed a huge cooler and handed it open, the team was surprised at how expensive looking the cooler was. But before opening it they headed back into the gym. When they got there the whole team, including the managers, coach and adviser opened it to find their drinks there. They were surprised at how high tech the cooler was on the inside as well as how expensive their drinks were. But when they got to the bottom there was a note from Ryota that said "Hiii I am just gonna say this cooler is now the team's for your drinkbottles and stuff. See it as a sorry for interrupting your training. Hope you enjoy the drinks! -Ryota Kise♡:^"

Shoyo internally sighed at the little note but when he looked around he was actually happy Ryota came. The drinks had cheered the whole team up, but he was actually quite surprised at what people got.

Shoyo- Strawberry Boba Drink
Tobio- Milkshake that is decorated with cookies
Yū- A bunch of different energy drinks combined to look like a cocktail
Ryūnosuke- A bunch of different energy drinks combined to look like a cocktail
Asahi- A hot chocolate with hot chocolate bombs with marshmallows
Koshi- Coffee with whipped cream and a cherry
Daichi- Coffee with whipped cream and strawberries
Kei- Macha Boba Drink that is dinosaur themed
Tadashi- Different juices mixed to look cool and tasty
Kiyoko- Tea from an expensive brand
Yachi- Milkshake that is decorated with Ice cream and chocolate
The forgotten trio- Juices mixed with Ice and fruit
Coach Ukai- Coffee with whipped cream, a cherry and sprinkles
Adviser Takeda- Coffee with whipped cream and chocolate chips

But the most surprising thing was that each drink was absolutely huge, they all came in huge bottles that were insulted and about 1.5 litres. Everyone had big goofy smiles on their faces as they drank and took photos and posting them. But Shoyo couldn't entirely relax or be happy about it, I mean just yesterday he saw the people he was trying to run away from. But the question on his mind was how did they know where he was? Why were they here in Miyagi? They are from Tokyo so why are they here? He was stressing out about it that he barely drank his requested drink.

After everyone had had enough of their drinks Takeda had an announcement. "Ok so we will be having a practice game against Aoba Johsai. They will be coming tommorrow so be prepared, also make sure you're here because it may just be a practice game but this will be a valuable experience. There will be a lot of amazing teams that we will verse in the inter high, so getting to practice against one is a good experience." Everyone was really pumped up about getting to play such a great team, well all except Tobio. The first to pick this up was Koshi "Hey Kageyama are you good?" Tobio sighed before answering "My old Senpai's and teammates are on that team. I dislike most of them but I have learnt to accept two of them, though one is still my rival. Iwaizumi is a 3rd year and he is a good guy so we get along. The other is Oikawa, he is loud and annoying but I respect him as a rival." Shoyo sighed after hearing that, if they were ever going to come out Shoyo wanted his team to accept Tooru and not get mad at him for dating the enemy. So hearing Tobio say that bring closure to it.

After everyone had calmed down from the excitement of playing Aoba Johsai, they started to practice again. Although Shoyo still couldn't concentrate, he was terrified at the thought of the GOM showing up.
As he kept missing the ball that was set and his receives were bad and sloppy, the team became more and more concerned with the boy. He had perfect form in any move or trick, so it was shocking to see him mess up so much. Though they still decided to leave it unmentioned, they didn't want to create anything awkward.

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