Chapter 8: Epilogue

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After about a week after the incident Shoyo was finally ready to tell the GOM about his decision. He was still figuring how exactly he was going to tell them, he wanted it to be at the right place the right time. So he actually reached out to their old group chat and told them all to meet him at a basketball court. It was an understatement to say he was nervous, he was terrified. So he actually ended up asking Tohru to walk around the park to make sure all was good.

The GOM was shocked to see the one they had broke reach out and ask to meet them. But they were also nervous, they had no idea what the boy would say to them, if it would be good or bad, he had no idea. Though they still wanted to know regardless, they wanted to see if they could have their sun back, or would they forever be in the dark.

After a few hours the basketball team was waiting for the tangerine, they had all arrived too early as they were all so nervous. They were all just standing around dribbling their balls in suspense, until they saw a small boy approach them. "Hello everyone... I have reached out to you all to tell you my decision in forgiveness..." Shoyo said surprising calm even though he was freaking out on the inside. But for the GOM they were frozen, wondering what he would say, if he would forgive them or leave them forever.

They all sat down ready to hear Shoyo and what he had to say. "We all grew up together...we were like siblings, we were close. But then you all got distant and yes I know things happen and some couldn't be changed but what we do about those things is our choice. You all had stuff going on and you could've just said 'This is a problem but if I try I could still have fun with my teammate! It isn't all about winning!' But instead your train of thoughts were more like 'There is no avoiding this, but besides I can win all on my own, everyone else will just get in my way.' You were all so blind and close minded." The GOM look down in guilt as they could see where this was heading. "You all broke me past repair and trust me no one I talked to could think I would get repaired. You all had changed and for the worst, I remember a time when you actually enjoyed playing but now you all look dead and bored. That is no one but yourselves fault!" Shoyo said in a voice that made the others almost cry.

"But..." Shoyo continued. "I can see you are trying, you have all even made a close friend. You have all gone to back to enjoying basketball and loving it for the game and not who your opponents. Yes, some people will just give up when they see no hope in winning, but you have learned that it really doesn't matter and you can have fun without it. So seeing as you have all changed...I will give you all one more chance. Mess it up and we will never be friends." Shoyo said with a small smile on his face. "I missed you guys, you did say some pretty bad stuff, but I know you were all just stressed. Besides you weren't the one who bullied me the others did. But this doesn't mean we are friends or that I trust you. You had betrayed my trust and now it will be even harder to gain. But for now you can go home and know I don't hate you." As Shoyo said the last words he bowed and quickly walked away.

When he had got out of viewing distance he stopped and let out a big sigh, that was so hard to say. He was actually still a little torn with his answer, was he really doing the right thing by forgiving them? Sure he missed them and they were friends for so long but they severely damaged him. But whatever he knew he was at least going to give them one more chance. So with his thoughts settled down he started walking towards the temple hidden in the mountains.
Seven years later when they are now 23~

Seven years had passed since the big argument and everything turned out well, people had reunited and broken friendships were slowly but surely fixed. Shoyo had forgiven the GOM completely and they are even closer than they originally were.

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