The Singer's Confession

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It's Sunday morning. Jake was awoken by the annoying sound of his alarm. He gets up and looks at the time.

Jake's P.O.V:
8:30... (yawn) Ugh I'm so tired, I don't wanna get out of my bed... I think I'll just stay here for a couple of minutes.

Suddenly, he feels a vibration coming from his phone. He opened his phone to see what the notification was. It's a message from Sean, and of course, Jake couldn't be happier.

Jake opened the message.

Message Sean: Good morning, sleepy head!

Message Jake: Good morning! How'd you know that I was awake.

Message Sean: I didn't. I just texted you so you can see when you wake up.

Message Jake: Oh I see.

Message Sean: How was your morning?

Message Jake: It's fine, still pretty tired though.

Message Sean: Well, you better get out of bed, you need to eat breakfast.

Message Jake: You're acting like my mom again.

Message Sean: It's 'cause I care.

Message Sean: Now go!

Message Jake: Okay, okay, fine.

Jake doesn't usually follow orders like this from his mom but, he did Sean's orders anyway. Jake gets out of bed, and he walked to the kitchen. He grabbed himself some cereal and milk.

Message Sean: So? What are you having?

Message Jake: Cereal.

Message Sean: Oh, cool. Well, always milk before cereal.

Message Jake: What?! You're a psycho haha. Cereal first, and then milk.

Message Sean: Well, however you do it, the cereal will always taste the same, so it doesn't matter.

Message Jake: How 'bout you? What did you have for breakfast?

Message Sean: I had eggs and bacon.

Message Jake: That sounds tasty.

Message Sean: It is.

Message Sean: So, what are your plans for today?

Message Jake: Nothing much, I'm just gonna go with the flow.

Message Sean: Yeah, same, I'm already done with my chores, so I'm kinda bored right now.

Message Jake: Yeah, me too.

As Jake was texting Sean, Jake's little brother walked in.

Little Brother: Hey! Is that Sean?!

He says as he points on Jake's phone.

Jake: Oh- Uh- Yeah-

Miss Sterling: Who's Sean?

Jake's mom says as he walks in carrying the laundry.

Little Brother: He's the guy that Jake is falling for-

Jake: Ah! haha- uh-

Jake says as he covered his little brother's mouth with hit hand.

Jake: Uh- It- It's my friend... from the music club hehe.

Miss Sterling: Ohh that Sean! I see... Well, I'm gonna take these laundry to the laundry room now.

She says as she walked out.

Jake: Okay, mom...

Jake removed his hand of his little brother's mouth.

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