Chapter 5

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“It felt like yesterday when I last saw you, but it wasn’t  reality.

Seeing you in my dreams, every time as you smiled at me – there was always this pain in my chest, as if I was both happy and sad to see your face. As you stood in front of me again, I wondered if I was seeing a ghost. Even though that was the first time I ever saw the real you, you felt familiar as if we never left the moments in my memories... you were the same. Before I could do or say anything, my eyes became blurry – the same pain, the same breathlessness I always got from your presence... tears started falling as my eyes filled up seeing those same broad shoulders, those same kind eyes and that same gentle voice.”

As darkness started falling over the horizon, the lights in the palace came on slowly brightening the vicinity in a warm glow. Looking out of the window, it was a beautiful sight as usual as the prince sat in his chambers while reading. But his sight could not forget the scenery he saw a mere few minutes ago – the sight of that man.

His eyes unwillingly kept searching for him, even though he knew there was no reason for him to ever be there. As they said goodbye, they never got to know who the other person truly was, just the belief that they both didn’t wish to part so soon was all they had. He lets out a light disappointed sigh as he looks away from the window and focusing back on what he had in front of him but his mind never actually being at ease. But one thing he knew, was that he was happy – he was happy that he did what he did, that he saw what he saw and... that he met him. A smile slipped Changgu’s face as his thoughts finally settled in his mind, as that fateful day came to a close with nightfall.

But as the palace lay peaceful, the hidden commotion on the other side of the village grew louder. “We have to do this tonight, we don’t  have a choice”, said a man in an angry voice, irritated with how the conversation was moving forward. As the others looked in his direction, another replied “We cannot be hasty with this, this is the palace we are speaking of!” in an equally frustrated voice. As the commotion and disagreements grew louder, one voice rang louder than the rest. “We cannot afford to fight amongst ourselves”, said the man in a low but confident voice. The room grew quiet almost immediately as his words echoed in the empty room they were sitting in. “Shinwon-ah, what exactly are you suggesting right now?” said an older man, pausing before he continues “We still do not know how to properly go through with this plan”. As the taller man looked at him from across the table, he broke his stare as he spoke “Hyungnim, we cannot afford any mistakes”, to which most men there let out a sigh and a grunt as they knew what he spoke was the truth.

“I will go there at midnight, if three or four of us map out the palace properly we can-“ continued Shinwon before being interrupted by one of the elders who bellowed “Are you out of your mind?! Do you know how dangerous it will be?!”. The younger man nodded his head as he replied “I understand, but it is all we can do”, his voice calm and determined. The others looked at him with defeat, time being of the essence they had no room to argue. “The ship leaves at dawn three days from now, this is the only chance we have” said Shinwon before pausing to see everyone’s reaction before continuing “We will go and mark the best routes to move in and out of the palace, once it’s done we shouldn’t waste time to get out of there”. Most men voiced their opinions after hearing him out and most of them agreed. “Will you be able to do this? If... if you get caught..” said the person sitting next to him. The taller man smiled and held onto the other’s shoulder as he smiled and replied “It will be okay, we have waited too long for such a chance”, as his face grew more solemn – as if lost in thought.

“We will have our freedom... for all the lives they have taken and for all the suffering of the living... they will pay for it with their blood” said Shinwon, his voice still calm and confident, painful yet filled with anger as it resonated within the hearts of everyone sitting there beside him. He continues one last time as midnight draws closer “He who sits over us and his kin... all shall fall under our hands.”

As the fire in their hearts grew stronger and stronger, they were bound to burn everything... even themselves.

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