How it began

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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

We see a slightly intangible figure in the middle of the universe. It is just floating there looking over everything.

"This universe is doomed to burn if there isn't balance.", it whispered.

This intangible figure is the core of the Force.

"After all this time I have to do it again. Just like I did 4000 years ago with Revan.", it said while raising his hands and beginning to glow. A ripple flew out of his forehead and traveled through space.


The scene cuts to a Naboo, a beautiful planet in the mid rim. We see a woman, around 25 years old, working in her garden. The ripple of pure force hit her. She's enveloped in a blinding light and faints...

[3 hours later / Hospital]

"W-Where am I?", the woman asked herself while waking up.

"Hello Miss L/n. You suffered from circulatory problems and collapsed. You should really drink and eat a bit more. Especially when you're in the 4th month of pregnancy."

"Pregnant? 4th month? That's impossible! I never had sex!", the young Miss L/n shouted.

"That. That's confusing. Well, you could still have an abortion if you really want to.", the doctor said while stroking his beard.

'This must be a sign of the Lord. I shall keep and nurse this child.', Natalia told herself. "No. Something like this doesn't happen just like that. I'll keep it."

[5 Months later]

"What should be his name?", the white clad man asked.

"Y/n Shan.", the mother said.

The birth of the young y/n send out a pulse in the Force, which a certain green Jedi Grandmaster, who was training with his old apprentice felt. He let out a loud gasp.

"Master, is everything okay?", his old student asked slightly confused.

"Okay, everything is, Dooku. A pulse in the Force I felt.", said the wise Jedi.

"Were you able to feel the nexus of said pulse?", Dooku asked with a great amount of interest.

"From Naboo it came. Investigate it, we should.", answered Yoda.

"I will do it alone. You still need to train the younglings Master.", the Count said with sincere concern.

"Then Qui-Gon you should take with you. Together explore something together, you did not do, since he became Master of Kenobi.", the grandmaster advised.

"I will.", chuckled the old Man.

[The next day]

Y/n was not even 2 days old but already had the stature of a 2 year old child. Natalia was surprised but after everything that happened, she still thought it was God's plan.

After arriving on Naboo Dooku and Qui-Gon tried to reach into the force for guidance and they immediately felt a pull towards a small house.

"Welcome Master Jedi. I've been waiting for you.", said a beautiful and cheerful woman.

With a raised eyebrow and a mild confusion the Count voiced his surprise.
"You were waiting for us?"

"Yes I did. The lord showed me visions of you taking my son with you. It is his destiny to be a Jedi so I shall not stand in the Lords way.", the beauty answerd while bowing

"How can this child be so tall already? He looks like he's two already.", Qui Gon questioned.

"His name is Y/n Shan and it's the Lords work. I became pregnant with him without even doing the progress of breeding."

The Jedi eyed the boy who suddenly used the force to pull Dookus Communicator into his hand.

———To be continued———

This story playes 6 year before The Phantom Menace. At the beginning of TPM Y/n will have the body and consciousness of an 13 Year old boy. The core of the Force makes him age a bit faster so he can be ready when everything (plot wise) begins

Facts about this Universe:
Plot stays the same.

Revan (the old one/not Y/n) was made by the core of the Force in the same way.

Y/n is very OP. While Anakin has a midichloranian count of 20k (because he was concieved by the midichloranians), Y/n's is between 35k and 40k because he is completely made by the force. He will also have special force abilities others don't have.

That's it. Next chapter will come out when I have time for it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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